• Happy Birthday, Annette Funicello (1942-2013)! 🐭🍍🩱

Wabakimi 15 day solo trip video

Nice video. I left a message over on your channel but will ask here as well. Wondering about vehicle safety. Did you leave your vehicle at the put in or use an outfitter to shuttle?
I recognize that rock at 3;59. It can be run but at a cost.. minus a thwart and bent gunwales! ( missed the port!) Thanks for the memories.. Did that trip back around 2009

I see you passed up Bussey Island for the same reason I did. Used by the lodges. When I snooped it was littered with fish guts. Left it to the bears and moved on.
Excellent Mark !

Canoe looked great !

Thanks for the share ! Looking forward to the rest !

Rivers are open here. I need to get out again !

Terrific video. Its a bucket list place for me since I learned of it 15 or so years ago. Looking forward to Part 2!
Nice video db, I just got my FOW Canoe Routes Booklet and Planning Map today. We're looking at a trip out there in 2023.
If that is not the pinnacle of canoetripping, I don't know what is. Sweet. What time of year?
I recognize that rock at 3;59. It can be run but at a cost.. minus a thwart and bent gunwales! ( missed the port!) Thanks for the memories.. Did that trip back around 2009

I see you passed up Bussey Island for the same reason I did. Used by the lodges. When I snooped it was littered with fish guts. Left it to the bears and moved on.

The water levels seemed low when I was there. Being in a wood boat and that far from home meant that I wasn't running anything that looked even slightly questionable.

Thank you for the video; that looks like a great trip and certainly a nice looking canoe! I will look forward to the future installments.

Thanks, Pat
The water levels seemed low when I was there. Being in a wood boat and that far from home meant that I wasn't running anything that looked even slightly questionable.


Oh the water on my trip was high and the current swift and I missed the portage entrance as the navigating bow paddler. There are several ports in fairly quick sequence. We exited after banging into a large pointy rock buried in the haystacks with all gear intact eddying in the pool below. Were I faster at reading/communicating that mistake would not have been made!

Lonebreast Bay is very pretty. I caught a pike on a belt buckle that was over the side from a unraveled painter line. Gave me a jolt and scare!