Here are expedition canoeist Martin Trahan's three choices. I believe the focus in on comfort and luxury gear items rather than essentials.
"When people ask me what my favorite pieces of canoe camping equipment are, they often expect me to name a boat model, a well-crafted paddle or some indispensable technical wear. It tends to surprise them when I mention my favorite canoe equipment for months-long expeditions are, in fact, a few simpler luxuries."
What are your three comfort or luxury choices?
"When people ask me what my favorite pieces of canoe camping equipment are, they often expect me to name a boat model, a well-crafted paddle or some indispensable technical wear. It tends to surprise them when I mention my favorite canoe equipment for months-long expeditions are, in fact, a few simpler luxuries."

3 Pieces Of Gear Martin Trahan Won’t Canoe Camp Without
I’ve canoed over 20,000 kilometers across North America, both in my native country Canada and in the U.S. Recently I made my first long-distance paddling

What are your three comfort or luxury choices?