• Happy Publication of "Star Spangled Banner" (1814)! 🚀💣🇺🇸

They're HEERE!!

YUP, we got chased into the house this afternoon. After a week of cold rain, they show up on the first nice weekend of the year.
Think positive, maybe they will go away early (in places were they do actual go away).
That far north you may be OK. I was in the Debsconeags last weekend and there were still no blackflies, just a few large gauge mosquitoes.
Yeah, after I wrote that I realized the St. John put-in is about 100-120 miles north of where yellowcanoe or Robin are So maybe the bugs are not out up there yet. Fingers crossed!!
Yeah, after I wrote that I realized the St. John put-in is about 100-120 miles north of where yellowcanoe or Robin are So maybe the bugs are not out up there yet. Fingers crossed!!
I suggest taking clothing and repellent precautions anyway. bug repellent isn't going to add to your load and if you need it there is no Walgreens;)
Just back from my "country estate" (cabin in the woods) located about 70km northwest of downtown Toronto and 15km from the last subdivisions. Plenty of early black flies around, not really biting but they were landing and crawling around. Made outdoor work slightly annoying for me, somewhat more annoying for my partner, the May 24th long weekend in Southern Ontario is going to be bad probably including Algonquin.
One day they're all sleepy-headed fellows paying me no mind and the next they're feeling a bit peckish. I'll start using eau de DEET.
My wife is placing her trust in a botanical product, mostly for repelling ticks, which we're having to be careful of.
Another sign of the woods and wetlands waking up...
beaver stumps.jpg
Oh great, by the time I get to my northern NE destinations (Nulhegan River followed by a side trip to Spencer Stream) the Black Fly Jamboree should be going full swing. Fun!
Ticks are out in Montana. Unfortunately, I found one hiding in my naval 2 days ago. Went to the hospital to get it removed, it had been almost a week. Now going through all the symptoms of a tickborne disease and taking antibiotics. To make matters worse, I can't hold down the pills, so will have to get the treatments intravenously. What a %#&! show.
So sorry to hear that Dogbrain. I had Anaplasmosis and it knocked me down for about a month. Nasty buggers, what disease did you get?
Don’t know exactly what it is yet. They’re thinking Rocky Mountain spotted fever, or something else in that family. Feeling the slightest bit better, but still pretty rough. Was able to finally keep the antibiotics down with an anti nausea med.
Don’t know exactly what it is yet. They’re thinking Rocky Mountain spotted fever, or something else in that family. Feeling the slightest bit better, but still pretty rough. Was able to finally keep the antibiotics down with an anti nausea med.
That's scary. Good luck Mark! I grew up with ticks in the South, and no one paid them any mind. Don't know what it's like there now (or maybe we were just tougher back then!). I do remember it being hotter, colder, wetter and drier BITD.
Thanks Mason. Doing much better now, but still feeling fatigued. I also grew up with lots of ticks in Illinois. I seem to remember a doctor finding a ripe one on me as a kid. I was very sick and my glands were swollen. I took antibiotics and it went away. I always fancied myself as being "good" at doing the tick check, but seems I need to up my game. I don't know how this would have ended without the medications, but I can confidently say that I would be dead 10 times over without modern medicine.

Ticks are out in Montana. Unfortunately, I found one hiding in my naval 2 days ago. Went to the hospital to get it removed, it had been almost a week. Now going through all the symptoms of a tickborne disease and taking antibiotics. To make matters worse, I can't hold down the pills, so will have to get the treatments intravenously. What a %#&! show.
Sorry to hear about your situation Dogbrain. Best wishes for a swift and smooth recovery.