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Stay safe in this big storm ...

Jul 31, 2011
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Dodgeville, Wi
Well a large part of the country is in a winter storm. Heavy rains and floods in Florida to freezing rain to heavy snow fall up north. We are expecting about 8 more inches to add to the 4-5 that has dumped on us already. The winds are making a mess of things, but it is nice to have a little winter this year. Gonna have to spend some time in winter camp ... it is the perfect weather for it!

Never thought i would say this but….nice to see snow again…as long as I don’t have to shovel it or drive in it☺️
31 degrees, heavy driving snow and lots of wind here in the Western Adiorndacks at almost 5:00 PM since around 2:00. Multiple WX warnings for up to 60mph wind and lots of rain yet to come. I'm at my camp with generator ready to go.
It rained exceptionally hard here. It might have been the hardest rain I've ever seen. Almost scary, but thankfully it stopped quickly. The creeks and river flooded.

Y'all use good judgement and stay safe.
~5" of snow by the time I went to bed last night, but it changed to a heavy steady drizzle not long after. Gonna be some tough shoveling today. Might just wait for it to freeze and then sand the heck out of everything.
~5" of snow by the time I went to bed last night, but it changed to a heavy steady drizzle not long after. Gonna be some tough shoveling today. Might just wait for it to freeze and then sand the heck out of everything.
That super wet snow is definitely easier to move after a day or two. It kinda drains out. When we get that heavy wet snowblower-chute-clogging stuff we wait, if we can. It can make a world of difference.
had 13 in or so during Ember What a sweet storm that was. Fluff
then comes in Finn like my wet granddog a mess. 5 inches of snow and then rain but the snow did not all melt like the bozos on the Weather Channel down in Atlanta said it would. Since it is now 47 I will wait and let melt happen. Something ought to melt in nine hours.
and our camp road ( we live on a dirt road) is now good for mud bogging again. GDAMN IT STAY COLD

and now the fing ground fog. because it is warm and the ground snow covered rant over
Wind from the south (rare for us) caused a live 80' White Pine on the edge of our property to fall on our neighbor's home. Apparently punched holes in their roof from the branches since only the top 20' of the tree hit the roof. I offered to clean the bulk of the branches off the home during the storm so I could tarp it, but they refused. Even when I explained that I'm a retired building contractor with 50+ years, including emergency storm damage experience for Servpro, they said no. I think in our litigious society they were afraid of liability for my safety. I would have done the work for free out of a sense of responsibility (not legal responsibility- there's no liability on my end unless I had allowed a dead tree to stand which would constitute negligence). I would even make the repairs for free since that work is right in my wheelhouse, but they prefer to let their homeowner's policy take over. All they would let me do is provide buckets of water so they can flush their toilets once they have power since they shut off the main for fear of a fire if wiring was damaged. It always surprises me that people don't prepare for power outages with water for drinking and flushing, a generator for essential items, etc.

I'm an Eagle scout and the Boy Scout motto is: "Be prepared". Wise words for all of us who venture out into the woods & waters!
2-3 inches of rain or more overnight and warming temperatures pretty much got rid of the 7 or so inches of snow we got last Sunday. Oh well. More rain this weekend, then perhaps some snow coming up next Tuesday. It's a good time to stay off the rivers in RI...they're mostly in flood now. Again. I have water coning in at the base of the cellar walls...first time that has happened in years. Fortunately it is just inconvenient. It can only get so deep before the sump pump takes care of it all.
No new snow here in Cushing but lots of wind and rain. Tidal flooding all over the place. We are affected at all, and the rain has pretty much melted all the snow we had. People on the other side of the peninsula lost power but we are fine.
The Saint George river had some serious white caps with less than a mile of fetch.
2-3 inches of rain or more overnight and warming temperatures pretty much got rid of the 7 or so inches of snow we got last Sunday.

Exactly the same here in NW CT. I shouldn't have bothered plowing my 600' rutted driveway, which is very hard on my tractor's back blade.

Took a 60 mile drive around the area today and the Housatonic River and all tributaries were really high. Kent Falls was ripping. Part of my town next to the Housatonic was flooded and the road blocked off.
Well I just watched some videos from around the coast of Maine and holy buckets did we get hit, there is a lot of tidal damage. Apparently the highest winds came at the high tide. I‘m feeling quite lucky right about now.
Wow … I guess we are pretty lucky. Winters have become odd weather makers lately. I am so glad we are not dealing with torrential rains and flooding or tornadoes. We received another 2 inches last night with a blizzard coming tomorrow, 6-12 predicted with high winds on top of our 10 plus inches from Monday. We lost power 2 times this week, still out now but our generator is keeping the lights on.

When it comes to snow I guess I gotta be careful what I wish for .
Up here in the (not so) Great White North (southern Ontario) we got a couple of inches- just enough to clog the catch-basins , followed by a sh**-ton of rain that had nowhere to go and caused some flooding...
every time I go to the garage I find myself looking at the hot tent and stove and saying "not this week"...
We got our first significant snowfall of the year over the past few days. Now a dome of arctic air has swept south (don't you like the language the weather people use!). Not too much happening outdoors for a little while.
With the Tonga eruption, were flooded with numerous articles telling us what happened, a few of those told us “what’s going to happen”. Several of those talk about multi year disruption’s in “normal” And it sounded somewhat vague as to how long this disruption would last but any where from 2-15 years was a number the Scientist threw out there.
Last year set records for us in both rain and snow, the year before also! When i remind people of these articles they look at me like im some sort of 10th grade drop-out?
i didn’t save any of those but this quick search gave brief mention of the water quantity that was blasted into the atmosphere. Im sure all of you are smart enough to do some i-net digging for more if you’re interested.

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