New member from Michigan here looking for help. I currently have a meyers sportspal s13 squareback that works great for flatwater fishing with a trolling motor but doesn't paddle well, pretty much have to use a double blade or pole it in shallow water. It is very thin aluminum so it wouldn't hold up very well to much abuse I don't think either. I also have a OT discovery 158 royalex/plastic that weighs somewhere around 85lbs, OK for tandem tripping but not the best for solo portaging. That boat I think I could just tie a rope to it and drag behind the truck for transporting and it wouldn't really hurt it. I have done river trips in both boats but they are less than ideal. I have done most of my tripping (rivers and wilderness lakes) in rented aluminum tandem canoes over the years.
I am 6' ~180lbs. Primary uses will be:
I have been looking online at boats like nova craft prospector (primarily I have used tandems solo, thinking I would like to try a true solo though), wenonah wilderness, NC pal, northstar northwind solo etc. Not sure where I could go to try some of these out. I am currently located right in the middle of the lower peninsula, 20 minutes outside of Clare. I am open to any suggestions 12'-17', my main priorities are lightweight, reasonably tough, carry a load of maybe 350lbs well but also does well with just me and 15lbs of fishing gear, easy to paddle/handle on easy rivers and flat lakes. If it is really windy I usually don't go fishing, it just isn't much fun getting blown all over. I sometimes kneel and sometimes sit on the seat. depends on situation as well as if my legs start to go numb while kneeling. Please let me know if any additional info is needed. Thinking someday I would like to replace the OT with a light composite prospector or similar style also.
I am 6' ~180lbs. Primary uses will be:
- tripping down Michigan rivers (no real rapids to speak of on rivers I travel, if I do come across something that looks dicey I will portage. Main obstacles are shallow gravel sections and log jams to go over/under etc.)
- wilderness lake trips (Sylvania wilderness, big island lake wilderness, Craig lake state park etc.)
- trips are usually weekend but would like to do weeklong trips at some point but I travel light so ~150lb. load over my weight is probably enough
- local rivers for fishing day trips. Small/medium rivers. Will be used to float to the next hole, get out in my waders and fish, then float to next hole. Possibly anchor with logging chain at head of deep holes on occasion and fish from boat, but most of the rivers have good spots to get out to fish.
- I want something light for ease of portaging (aramid/kevlar if it is tough enough for very occasional shallow gravel and regular dragging over logjams).
- Most of my camping trips are focused around fishing, so boat will be used to get me to the campsite and then used to go out on the lake fishing\exploring.
I have been looking online at boats like nova craft prospector (primarily I have used tandems solo, thinking I would like to try a true solo though), wenonah wilderness, NC pal, northstar northwind solo etc. Not sure where I could go to try some of these out. I am currently located right in the middle of the lower peninsula, 20 minutes outside of Clare. I am open to any suggestions 12'-17', my main priorities are lightweight, reasonably tough, carry a load of maybe 350lbs well but also does well with just me and 15lbs of fishing gear, easy to paddle/handle on easy rivers and flat lakes. If it is really windy I usually don't go fishing, it just isn't much fun getting blown all over. I sometimes kneel and sometimes sit on the seat. depends on situation as well as if my legs start to go numb while kneeling. Please let me know if any additional info is needed. Thinking someday I would like to replace the OT with a light composite prospector or similar style also.