• Happy Publication of "Star Spangled Banner" (1814)! 🚀💣🇺🇸

Something to think about

Jan 7, 2016
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Saw this on the news feed this afternoon.
Canotrouge living in that area will maybe keep us informed. I would be interested in the necropsy of the bear.
I've seen grizzly bear tracks in snow around my homestead, not every year, but some. We have had a mild fall and a early winter, any bear that didn't put on enough fat will roam around looking for calories. Near here are what we call hot sloughs (springs) some are places that fall chum or coho salmon spawn. Not unusual to see bear tracks around those spots or see bald eagles sitting in trees nearby.
Hi everyone, Val and Adele were more than friends to us, they were family, Val was a role model for our 11 years old daughter who spend many sleep over at there place, Val was there for all of Sophie's BD.... She was truly family. We still have a hard time accepting what happened. Gjermund, her partner got back into town on tuesday night and we were all there with him when he got home(at a friend place, there was no way he could have gone to his own house at the moment) Maybe 30 or so of us are doing everything we can to help him.

As for the bear, it is not uncommon for grizzly bear to den later in the season sometime right into december, especially for large male. This year was a really poor years for berries, and really warm(was starting to get cold where they were they had a few days at below -30c.... ) ....

It is never only one reason that cause that type of accidents, but a numbers of different factors.

Life is precious and a b*tch at the same time!

P.s. Val was the most joyful smiling positive person we knew!!!! Every week they would send us message with there in reach to tell us how happy and wonderful life was up there...

That's all for now I guess!
Thank you Canotrouge.. What a rough time for Gjermund.. I cannot imagine a more horrid event. Thank you and your circle of friends being there for Gjermund.