• Happy Release of John Lennon's "Imagine" (1971)! 🌎✌️🫂

J R Robertson 16’3”x 34” wood canvas canoe

Robin, is he able to re-use the canvas and will he fill it too?
I didn't bring the canvas with me. I had trimmed the excess canvas around the shear line and ends, so it was best to start with a fresh canvas. Hopefully, that trimmed canvas will fit my smaller/narrower Chestnut Chum when I decide to re-canvas it.

BTW- I asked the gentleman, Bruce Larson, if he uses tacks or staples to attach the canvas. He's old school and uses brass tacks which is appropriate for this 100-year-old canoe.
I have been using ss staples on my Chestnuts, but I think it's time to go back to brass tacks in the future.

Robin let me know when you back to pick up the boat, maybe we can get together.
I will.
Bruce Larson and his son Jeff dropped the Robertson off this afternoon, they offered to drop it off as they wanted to check out my Chestnuts/ shop. We talked canoes, fishing, square sterns, and Maine for a couple of hours. You meet the nicest people around canoes.
I’m glad I opted to have them canvas the canoe, it came out great. They went over all the tacks, fixed a small repair I had done on one of the stems and installed the new #10 canvas. They said it was a challenging canoe to canvas, maybe they where just being kind.
Bruce said whoever stripped the old varnish from the inside did a great job, Thank You Kim (Aka Yellowcanoe) and James Gass. He said he never saw such an old canoe with as nice interior, Thanks YC.
Next week I’ll mix up some home brew filler and seal the canvas.

I KNEW we should have stopped by.. We went for a pickle run to Morses and then up to lunch at Washington General Store ( those general stores in Maine make fabulous sandwiches.. Not at all like a chain!) then up to Liberty and Freedom.

Thought of ferreting you out.. Every tourist in Maine wants the shore.. ssh the inland farm country is THE BEST.