• Happy U.S. Patent for Phosphorus Friction Match (1836)!🔥⛺

Wood canvas canoe gathering?

I too am going to back out of this idea of a gathering. We had to fill up on home heating oil and it was over a grand, usually around $600. The good news is we recently got solar power and our electric bill was $65. Some neighbors had $700 to 1100 bills (more than double) and they did nothing different from last year. I might get to the WCHA get together and it’s an opportunity to visit my daughter in Saranac Lake. I’ll be taking the Prius. But I am all in on a trip to the BWCA in September.
Is the invite open to anyone with WC canoe? Depending on when I complete my restoration… I would enjoy tagging along if that’s ok.
Is the invite open to anyone with WC canoe? Depending on when I complete my restoration… I would enjoy tagging along if that’s ok.
This potential event doesn't have a clear organizer. Robin started the idea, but his last posts indicate indecision because of gas prices. As I understand the concept, it would be for wood-canvas canoes—owned, begged, borrowed or otherwise procured. Folks with more than one W/C canoe might be willing to haul and lend an extra to other interested members to try out.

It's a really good idea for a theme get-together. If Robin is still on the fence, maybe someone else would like to step up as the organizer. Someone has to make a final decision as to place and time.
Is the invite open to anyone with WC canoe? Depending on when I complete my restoration… I would enjoy tagging along if that’s ok.

Gas continues to rise, it was 4.19 here in Maine when I posted my doubts of coming in March (post 26 in this thread), now it’s close to or over $5.00 locally. I had mentioned I have an event I’m committed to in eastern Maine the following weekend, driving over to Paul Smiths in NY would have had to be a couple of days at most, not enough to justify the gas bill.
If anyone else has wants to try and organize something, feel free.
Gas continues to rise, it was 4.19 here in Maine when I posted my doubts of coming in March (post 26 in this thread), now it’s close to or over $5.00 locally. I had mentioned I have an event I’m committed to in eastern Maine the following weekend, driving over to Paul Smiths in NY would have had to be a couple of days at most, not enough to justify the gas bill.
If anyone else has wants to try and organize something, feel free.
No problem… stumbled upon the thread…totally understand.
You've been doing some heavy lifting Robin, here and out and about, totally understand. But your idea remains a good one. It is on my wish list.
Whenever my son and I do eventually get his WC canoe back on the water regardless whether we make it to this gathering or not I swear we'll raise a jar to this wood and canvas life. Yours will be the first toast. Cheers man.
I will be at the WCHA Assembly but only for two days.. I am transporting canoes for sale/delivery and a bunch of paddles. A very dear friend of mine and a former excellent canoer and guide has been taken to a long term care facility as her mind declined severely recently. I have to dispose of some of her canoe stuff there. Gas is ridiculously expensive and I am grateful that my costs are covered for delivering a w/c boat to a buyer. Otherwise I would be staying home too. I will be mostly on the Green in the Tom Mackenzie section.
Anyone headed to Paul Smith's this week? I will be there on Saturday. I am bringing my Ogilvy Vee stern.
I just mentioned it to my wife and she's up for it so it is possible. We have to figure out some lodging, either camping or we may still a have a free room at the Courtyard in lake placid. I will be bringing my EM White to paddle but don't know anything about displaying it. If I go I'll be looking for you. I'll be the guy with the Tilley hat.:)
I will be there Wed- Sat.

Al- I’m not sure what is available, but I know the college dorms and alumni campground are available to attendees.

I am camping at Fish Creek. Buck Pond is a great option as well. I recommend making reservations online ahead of time. If you find that the campgrounds are sold out refresh the page every hour. You will be surprised how quickly a site will become available and how quickly it will be booked.
Oh no. Sorry to hear that. I hope you stay asymptomatic.

We are symptomatic but can pass for well. We are on Pavloxid which is a bitter medicine.. We are gobbling down hard candy to combat that taste. Yes we can go canoeing as that can be an isolating activity... !!
I'm sorry to hear that YC, I hope the two of you are feeling better.

I didn't preregister for the assembly, I hope it won't be a problem. I'd like to attend Saturday and possibly Friday if we get there early enough.

Also, my wife didn't like the campsite I picked out right by the bathroom at Buck Pond. She was able to change it to a site at Rollins Pond that should be better.