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Thoughts on a Mission Statement for Canoetripping.net

Aug 29, 2020
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This is not a great time of year, and not a great time for me personally, to get into this. Our recent IT problems, however, have spurred me to do this now. My participation will be somewhat limited, but I want to hear what you have to say. I urge you to use self-restraint as the discussion will likely be lively.

Why does the board exist? What do we do exceptionally well? What unique needs do we serve? Can we narrow our focus? What is most important? How can we do better? Should we spend more to get a higher level of IT service? Can we afford it?
Here is a first draft Mission Statement, for discussion purposes:

Canoetripping.net is a place to give and get information about canoes and canoe tripping, and to share one’s enthusiasm with like-minded folks. Canoetripping.net is defined by camaraderie and respect. Rude, inherently controversial, and commercial, postings, are rare, and not tolerated.

The topic of canoes covers building and repairing canoes, canoe components and accessories, and paddling/poling technique. The topic of canoetripping involves accessing a campsite by canoe for one night or more, and related activities such as training and preparation (safety, navigation, etc.), day tripping, natural history, destinations, fishing and hunting, and camping gear and technique. The rich history and tradition of canoes and canoe tripping is important.

Canoetripping .net is a unique repository of canoe and canoetripping knowledge. Our site typically comes up at the top of the google list when searching for canoe information. Other paddling sites focus on one geographic area, focus on kayaks and stand up paddle boards, include much repetitive and extraneous discussion, and/or include advertisements, sponsorships, and sell user data. Archived canoe information on facebook is not easily located or accessible, AFAIK.

Canoetripping.net is not for discussions of kayaks. There is, however, no precisely defined demarcation between a canoe and a kayak. A kayak is typically comprised of a closed deck craft with seating on the hull that provides a low center of gravity and thus prohibits the efficient use of a single blade paddle. Some latitude is necessarily allowed here, especially to regular posters who explain the relationship to canoes and canoetripping in the post.
If needed, percentage-wise, how much more is "a higher level of IT service?"
We don't seem to have much of a problem raising money at the current level
I honestly do not know what the extra IT costs might be, or what that might give us other than perhaps shorter response times. My sense is that we get a great bang for the buck from IT now, and we are lucky to have him. I am reluctant to alter that, but OTOH, I do not want to lose contributors out of frustration with the IT problems and response times.

Given past history and projections, we have enough funds to operate as is until the next fundraiser, barring anything unusual or unforeseen.

Do we want to migrate to some platform other than vBulletin? I have no idea if that might be a good idea, or if vBulletin is even the source of the problems.
Until the current problem that is preventing me from posting using my computer, I would have said Canoetripping.net fit perfectly with my interest in paddling and what I do. I have learned a lot, particularly about destinations or possible trips. I know that once I retire in a year or so I will value it even more. I go on just about daily for a quick look, but plan to delve more deeply into past postings when the current problem is resolved, get more actively involved. I would like to thank everyone involved for their time and efforts towards making this great resource available.
At first glance, I would revise "give and get" to "share" and include the enthusiasm.

Canoetripping.net is a place to share information and enthusiasm about canoes and canoe tripping with fellow canoeists.
I don't think a mission statement is necessary. The proposed one seems quite reasonable, but anyone could nitpick various textual inclusions and exclusions and definitions based on personal preferences. And, quite frankly, I'm not sure any mission statement, no matter how carefully worded, will be read or remembered or change much current posting behavior.

Costs are a separate issue. The only thing we can do is keep to continue to keep ourselves informed and in the black.
I will not take a stab at a grand unified theory of a mission statement but would like to see the "ask and thou shall receive (... an answer or at least an opinion)" aspect of canoetripping.net. There are many very knowledgable and experienced people here. I come away with more than I can contribute.
Thinking it through a bit more, in the back of my mind I was supposing that the mission statement might inform the IT problem/solution. So, perhaps the mission statement can be approached from that perspective.
I suggest the it problems here are very very minor compared to most of my computer and internet uses and experiences. Probably shouldn't reduce but I see no reason to increase that work. If I can't get through for several days or a week, I'd be sad but would still come back.

I will note that the notifications and messages functions are a bit of a mystery to me but probably my lack of knowledge rather than the app or it. Maybe i can find help at vbulletin.com
I will note that the notifications and messages functions are a bit of a mystery to me but probably my lack of knowledge rather than the app or it. Maybe i can find help at vbulletin.com

Bill, in the black band at the bottom of the page is the HELP button. Pressing it will open up a table of contents with sub-menus that explain most of the functions here including notifications, private messages and the insertion of photos and videos.
to offer tidbits of what we have learned to pass on to others in hopes of enriching their canoe tripping experience from acquisition or making of gear to the trip itself. Canoetripping is a journey that starts in our heads.
I am comfortable with your proposed mission statement, particularly given that human nature being what it is, individuals will stretch the boundaries of any mission statement. So long as those stretches are within reason and with positive intent, then I'm all for it.

With respect to the cost of admin and IT, I belong to a similar online forum for enthusiasts of Mercury specific vintage outboard motors (called John's Old Mercury Site). That forum has similar departments for adding content. If I remember correctly there is a yearly dues of $15.00 which is automatically deducted via PayPal. If I decide to leave the membership I would simply inform the moderators.

I find that both of these forums offer a wide knowledge base of experience and entertainment that keep me coming back regularly. Perhaps a reasonable yearly dues would be acceptable in order to maintain the best function of this forum.

Beyond that, many thanks to you Dave and your predecessors for your efforts in keeping this forum running
For me at least, the ability of posting pictures is a great asset ! Some forums make it more difficult. My limited computer, and communication skills, comes into play often, the old saying, " A Picture worth a Thousand Words " is so true with me.

I have immensely enjoyed, pics, and especially video posted here as well.

Last but not least ? The sharing of research and ideas ? Is so helpful.

Thanks for the great work DaveO !

I like the mission statement. It's simple and to the point. I personally don't see anything to improve on. The site is easily navigable. Picture posting is good once digital size is reduced. Simple is cheaper to maintain and uses alot less data. I've left some sites because it was sucking so much data, that I would exceed my allowable amount.
I think it's wise to have a mission statement. I like your first sentence Dave or the slightly revised version from ducttape.
Doug - This is a great place. It's informative, welcoming, and fun. I can't say that I'm a fan of change for the sake of it - there has to be a compelling reason. Being responsible for this place, as you are, I have no doubt can be challenging at times. Particularly when things that are supposed to work, don't. I would offer that alternatives may seem greener, but I also know from experience that "better" sometimes just means "different," i.e., new problems. That aside, I am a member of another site (advrider.com) that uses Xenforo as the board software. The folks over there have managed to make that environment quite pleasing to navigate with many features that surpass those of Vbulletin. Is that because their support staff have better knowledge of that software - I don't know. I guess my point is a good board is largely dependent on the support crew - the devil you know, and all that.

Thanks for all that you do.