I started using all the wood Gamma brought me on his Steel River trip. So far, I have cut out four one piece paddles, and still have enough wood left for at least three more. he had told me the sassafras had a unique smell, and I can testify to the truth of that. The entire shop has a peppery smell to it right now, a very strange smell for a wood.
All four paddles came from Gidmark's book, there is a voyageur, and algonkian, an ottertail and a beavertail. The beavertail is made from sassafras, but I may have to remake it, as once it was cut, there were some worm holes right where the shaft meets the blade. I'll know more once I start working it. Should keep me busy for a while!
All four paddles came from Gidmark's book, there is a voyageur, and algonkian, an ottertail and a beavertail. The beavertail is made from sassafras, but I may have to remake it, as once it was cut, there were some worm holes right where the shaft meets the blade. I'll know more once I start working it. Should keep me busy for a while!