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Our little site has been noticed from abroad

Jun 12, 2012
Reaction score
Appleton, Maine
As a Moderator (notice how I gave myself a capital M, no salutes necessary if we meet on a portage though:)), one of my jobs is to check new registrations. Well, for some reason, we have been "noticed" by the off shore crowd. They can't post until accepted and I don't think there is any danger to our personal emails, but I wanted you all to know they are pretty active.
I have a pretty good eye for them, I will be on early am and evenings till this calms down.
Sometimes it's tough to sort through the good and bad, but if new folks would spend a minute filling out some things about themselves relative to canoes and the English language in their profile it would be helpful.
Thanks, Your Moderator and fellow tripper,
Actually, if I knew that they were harmless, only doing advertising, in a perverse way I enjoyed them. For a while there it felt like we were in a Bollywood movie, with second and third string actors.

But all that "Dude" business and smiley faces, they must think we've really gone soft in the pudding. Of course what with our government and congress you can kind of see how they might get that impression.

I was talking to a water testing guy and along with chemicals and metals they look for E. Coli, he said that in most cases the E. Coli wasn't all that bad but it was clear evidence that poop was in the water and if that's the case then a whole host of terrible pathogens could be too, typhoid, cholera and a bunch of other baddies.

I guess I regard Dim-marcus pretty much like that E. Coli, and I really dread some of those programs he might track in.

It's hard to type with all this Haz-Mat gear on....

Sometimes it feels nice to be noticed... I hope our 5 minutes of fame won't last long though.
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Well, I dumped a bunch in the last few hours, one guy called himself "Puttin the terrible" and his avatar had him riding a horse in the Urals without a shirt on....seems I seen him before.
He was selling "official US of A Super Bowl Ring" so I knew he was a phony.
I used to wander all over the web, reading local news in far off places, obscure science reports in further off places, and junk from places I don’t know where. After two (2) viral infestations resulting in hard drive crashes, I learned to be more careful. I’m a little nervous of any little flickers or pauses in the stuff I’m downloading, thinking “Oh no, the b*st*rds have found me again!” The last computer flu we caught, wiped out years of photos I should have backed up (I know, my fault). At the same time our non- waterproof camera proved its limitations, kerplunk, wiping out what photos I hadn’t loaded onto the …oh you get the picture. So I’m a little testy some days. When Demarcus showed up I thought at first “Hmmm, funny little guy.” Then my Dirty Harry side murmured “Do ya feel lucky, punk? Well, do ya?” (I think I better go lay down.)
Thanks for the diligence Robin.
Based on looking at the names popping up on the who's online now bar at the bottom I'd guess we are still getting bombarded...
Your correct l'oiseau, it's an ongoing problem but we are working on it. The good thing is they don't have access to the site and are not a threat, just an annoyance.
To be honest, I wonder what kind of life these folks face if they have to try and make a buck (or rubel) doing this.
I have to get a life looking at "new users" . So far all have escaped me! Thank you Robin and Drift Wood!
It's almost a must that new members fill out the profile to let us know they are interested in the site and canoes, a user name is just not enough.
Tomorrow at 7am there will be 10 new user names, not one name makes a bit of sense to me, all are very strange with lots of z's and half are trying to sell Air Jordan's in their profile-
Hopefully, no one who is legit gets deleted.


This is a fairly simple request. I added info to mine. It only takes a few minutes, and well worth the time if it keeps our site safer. Cronje
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half are trying to sell Air Jordan's in their profile-

How much for the air jordans? I take a size 48cm I believe....I could use a handbag as well. :rolleyes:

Hi Robin...I was out on the Farmington yesterday. Thought I'd take it easy and paddle, but that netted me a swim, so it was back to standing with the 12' canes. Thought of you...'cuz the 2 minutes of tranquility I get here and there got me into the "no wonder Robin goes for 3 weeks" frame of mind. :D
Hi Matt, I crossed the Farmington River a couple of times yesterday, took my little G'Son to the Big E (New England State Fair). The river looked perfect for paddlin'/poling, after a day in petting zoo's and corn dog's I could have used some tranquility too.
BTW, Do you need a Rolex Watch, $19.99, I bought 2 before I deleted the guy.
Probably Dan. If you looked sketchy or didn't provide any info then you may have been denied initially. Don't take it personal, this place has just been getting hit hard with the spammers although I only saw the one get through, so they (Brian and Robin) have been doing a good job. Thanks guys!
is this why my request was denied?

That would be my fault Dan. I don't remember the circumstances of your initial membership request, but no doubt I deleted you or denied your registration, very sorry about that.

I might have read your handle as "danth man" which could have confused me. I'm getting better, but I hope it doesn't happen again.
Sooooo, I guess it was a good thing I shortened my name to Brad…from Bradonovich DeCanadenzividich. Eh?
Sooooo, I guess it was a good thing I shortened my name to Brad…from Bradonovich DeCanadenzividich. Eh?
Yes, you would have been gone with a click of the mouse, which is too bad. There is a way to set up registration with those crazy letters and numbers mixed together that you have to enter into a box to get approved, which doesn't seem too hard to do, or with a question that is simple to answer but probably hard if you don't speak English or know a thing about canoes.

I will look into it.

As far as Canoeguitar goes, or anybody else having a problem registering, I hope they try again when we work this out.

Thanks for the feedback, it helps when fixing problems.