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Miramichi River, New Brunswick

Mar 28, 2015
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Fredericton, NB
The Miramichi River runs through the middle of nowhere in the middle of New Brunswick (think banjo's). It's one of the main tripping rivers in the province for those properly equipped.
This was our first time down in about 6 years and I was looking forward to getting back on the water.

Canoes loaded at the popular put in.

Plan was for a 2 night trip, no portages on this trip, we pack all we need and more.

My solo set up in an Old Town Tripper,

The Miramichi starts off as a nice easy going deep water paddle

It doesn't take long for the current to pick up and then you're on your way. Typically, this is a shallow rocky run that requires picking your way between slightly submerged rocks, this year we had 2" of rain the day before the run, it took the fun out of making our way down river.

This is a big river with fast current, there are plenty of rapids and rocks to make for an entertaining or disastrous trip. The trouble is you can't easily stop for pictures in the rough stuff.

Needless to say, pulling over and bailing was a common occurrence.

At these, relatively high water levels, getting thru Burnt Hill rapids was easy and uneventful with the option of sticking to river right and avoiding the rocks down the middle.


With all the water and fast current we made it down the river too quickly, ended up staying just the one night. We made camp at a popular site at the mouth of Clearwater Stream.

The next morning we had a short 3 hours run to our take out with the sun in our face.


One little mishap and a quick little hike into Falls Brook and then our take out.

Wasn't a bad trip, but the change in water level took all the work and most of the challenge out of the run.

Additional pics can be found here or by clicking on one of the above shots.


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That looks like a lot of fun! And a beautiful river, too, based on your photos. Thanks for posting those. Can you catch salmon there?
The Miramichi River is a well known destination for anglers around to world who enjoy fly fishing for Atlantic Salmon. If you do fly fish and like to travel, google the river and you'll find an endless amount of info.


That looks like a lot of fun! And a beautiful river, too, based on your photos. Thanks for posting those. Can you catch salmon there?
Great sequence of pics with a gorgeous looking waterfall. Seems like the rain really changed the nature of the river.

Did you already post about your wanigan box? It looks brand new.

By the way, what's the purpose of the can suspended off the right gunnel in your 2nd photo?
Great sequence of pics with a gorgeous looking waterfall. Seems like the rain really changed the nature of the river.

Did you already post about your wanigan box? It looks brand new.

By the way, what's the purpose of the can suspended off the right gunnel in your 2nd photo?

The rain made a big difference for our group. We alway make this run near the last week or two that the river can be paddled in a normal year and we are always prepared for relatively low water conditions. In the early spring, when the water levels is really high, the Miramichi is a different river, hugh waves and very fast current but no rocks. Near the end of May, water level drops, the river changes completely. The challenge of the river becomes rocks and picking your line to get between them and to set up to miss the next ones coming up. It's a lot more work than just riding the waves, to some it's not as much fun but it's what were used to.The rain put the water level up to a point that the waves were "ok" and the rocks were submerged for the most part, so getting down the river was fine but not as "enjoyable" as in other years.

I added to another thread a quick post about my wannigan that I built just this past winter.Pics can be seen here:

I really like it but ironically enough, i just sold it today. We are planning a lake trip for the weekend and I wanted to pick up a new portage pack or dry bag, sold the wannigan to help fund that purchase. I can always build another if I miss it.

The soup can holds my beverage :) One of the guys on our trip built a few of them years back and it's still kicking around. It's a simple design of a picnic tablecloth pin (the kind you would use while camping...) and a few rivets.
Never seen the river that high.. When we go usually in August to Miramichi looking at the river is tempting from the road but Ialways wonder if people that can canoe that have really flat bottomed boats. I have heard its a good poling river.
Awesome, Awesome report. The Miramichi holds a special place with me as it does with many others who has experienced it. If I see a picture, map or story regarding the Miramichi, I am drawn in; I study it and seek some sore of deeper meaning. Perhaps it is the incredible times I had or maybe it is the nostalgia of the death of one of my best friends I tripped with on the Miramichi. Marvin died suddenly 10 years ago with a diabetes related illness. Marvin was one funny funny guy who could turn a quite night around the camp fire into gut wrenching laughter.

I can't say for sure why I am so spiritually drawn to the Miramichi. I can say for sure the Miramichi is a special place to me and I know of no community in the world that is more spiritually connected to their river then the communities of the Miramichi.
