2 years ago I spent a week canoeing/camping/hunting at Lows Lake during the last week of October (the first week of deer rifle season in northern NY). I returned this past week and tried it again. I again stayed at the same site that I stayed at 2 years ago, #35, which is the furthest western south shore site on the lake. It took me about 5 hours to get to the site from the put in, I arrived at 5pm and had camp set up before dark. Luckily I had brought a bag of scrap hardwood kiln dried lumber for a safety net in the event I wasn't able to find some firewood for my small wood stove the first night. I cook and keep warm with it the stove, so it paid off. I sleep without heat, so it didn't require much wood to get me till bedtime.
2 years ago I had some weather issues, but this year the weather was a big factor. One day I was completely shut down with wind and rain, most days it rained off and on, I saw sleet and the last day it was near 60.
I planned on staying 7 days but the weather radio predicted cold temps and rain after the warm 60 degree Tuesday so I pulled out on the 5th day.
Hunting was pretty much a bust, no sooner would I head out when the heavens would open up, the wind pick up and I'd head back to the site wet and ready to sit by the warm stove.
I did meet Dawn, the Assistant Forest Ranger who patrols the lake. She told me I had the place to myself and she said she remembered me from 2 years ago. She's a nice lady and we had a pleasant conversation. She said they are trying to encourage more camping on the south shore, but the wind can be an issue there. I like the Tomar Mt. and Tomar Pond area, so I'm willing chance the wind, unfortunately this year I came up short.
Here are some pictures, most probably look similar to 2 years ago, not much has changed.(except me)
Here's my little tent, wood stove pumping out the heat. It had an interior frame that helps make for a quick set up

The first morning things looked good, plenty of sunshine

Tomar Pond

Soon a front came in and things changed,

No worry, some Brats, carrots and a beer,

And the next morning a fine breakfast,

panorama of my tent interior,

climbing Tomar Mt with some impresive hardwoods,

relaxing with a good book by the wood stove and candelight,

2 years ago I had some weather issues, but this year the weather was a big factor. One day I was completely shut down with wind and rain, most days it rained off and on, I saw sleet and the last day it was near 60.
I planned on staying 7 days but the weather radio predicted cold temps and rain after the warm 60 degree Tuesday so I pulled out on the 5th day.
Hunting was pretty much a bust, no sooner would I head out when the heavens would open up, the wind pick up and I'd head back to the site wet and ready to sit by the warm stove.
I did meet Dawn, the Assistant Forest Ranger who patrols the lake. She told me I had the place to myself and she said she remembered me from 2 years ago. She's a nice lady and we had a pleasant conversation. She said they are trying to encourage more camping on the south shore, but the wind can be an issue there. I like the Tomar Mt. and Tomar Pond area, so I'm willing chance the wind, unfortunately this year I came up short.
Here are some pictures, most probably look similar to 2 years ago, not much has changed.(except me)
Here's my little tent, wood stove pumping out the heat. It had an interior frame that helps make for a quick set up

The first morning things looked good, plenty of sunshine

Tomar Pond

Soon a front came in and things changed,

No worry, some Brats, carrots and a beer,

And the next morning a fine breakfast,

panorama of my tent interior,

climbing Tomar Mt with some impresive hardwoods,

relaxing with a good book by the wood stove and candelight,

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