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Algonquin Park: A Night on Tom Thomson

May 17, 2017
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Hey Folks,

I've had a pretty quiet July. I tore my hamstring pretty badly at the end of June and it put me out of commission for most of the month. The good news is that it seems to have healed up pretty well. I was able to get out with my daughter to Tom Thomson for an overnight last week and I'm still walking. I've got a report up now over at my blog and just booked a two nighter to Pinetree Lake in a couple of weeks, so looking forward to getting back out there.

For now, here's the report on Tom Thomson:

Drew, as always another very fun read. Tom Thomson is one of my favourite lakes in Algonquin, I just wish I could keep it for myself. Site # 4 has long been the Holy Grail of Tom T. especially since we've occasionally passed it over the years and promised ourselves that next time we'd vacation there, always next time. The closest I've come to that was a day paddle with a brother, and site #4 was the perfect swim spot on a hot summer afternoon. Wouldn't ya know that was also the only time I've actually had the lake to myself, besides my brother. In high water that dam can be run, in low water it's still a tiny perfect woody weir that is a pleasure to haul over. Don't fall in.
Heal well and seek treatment. It makes all the difference. I blew out both hamstrings at the same time, also playing sports, although in my case I wasn't nearly so athletically successful. Black and purple bloody bruises running down from arse to ankles. It was sickly when they turned yellow. And it was difficult to drive stick I can tell you. And I was in the middle of a busy summer at work painting a church interior. The stairs up into the modest country church were hard enough but ladders and such were sheer torture. That was only time I've hugged my temp employees, daily. Our best friends and neighbours were both physios and gave me immediate and ongoing treatment right there on their family room sofa. No amount of pleading on my part could dissuade them from fixing me. All my dignity lost laying face down in shorts receiving ultrasound from a lovely couple, but an everlasting love and respect acquired from that. Bless them both.
And I agree that Dudley was one of several heroes in Harry Potter, but perhaps the most likeable.
Thanks Odyssey,

yeah, Tom Thomson really is a beautiful lake. I’m jealous that you got it to yourself, if only on a day paddle.

also, thanks for the advice re: the hamstring (and I can’t imagine what it would be like to blow both at the same time). I’m a big believer in physio, was in seeing my PT the day after it happened. I’m pretty sure she’s the entire reason it’s healing up so well :).

thanks again,

I am discouraged you encountered trash on that lake (any lake for that matter). I too saw too much of it. From twist ties to...well, no need to go there. But what always encouraged me was finding clean sites tucked up tight on busy lakes, full of promise and empty of the human scourge, at least until we got there. Ha. Too many pretty sites on too many pretty lakes to rate them all. Good to hear you and your young paddling partner found yours. Incidentally swimmability is one factor in our choosing sites. Going for a cold water plunge under bluebird skies or starry heavens adds a whole other layer of otherworldliness to a trip. Happy paddling Drew.
What? No more beaver Dam? I loved camping on Littledoe and watching the various successful and unsuccessful bridges of that dam.. lots got wet!

What a special trip dad daughter!

Wonderful trip report.. Ugly leg!
My neighbor ripped her hamstring right off her pelvis and was in the OR several days later. No more water skiing.. Now she is evaluating her canoe fleet and wants to get rid of the OT Stillwater ( AKA IRON BATHTUB)

She would like something 35 lbs and sleek and 14 feet..
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