• Happy National No Socks Day! 🧦🚫👣

400 Members

Jun 12, 2012
Reaction score
Appleton, Maine
The site now has 400 members and since January 1st, all new members have been vested to confirm their interest in canoes. Although most new members are not active, it's good to know there is an audience out there and we appreciate the support.
Thanks to those who have made Canoetripping.net an interesting place to visit. There are a lot of options out there for those interested in paddling and this site is not about being the biggest or most popular, just a friendly little Canoe site with interesting threads.
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Robin, I am one of the newbies. I really enjoy checking the site to see what's new 2 or 3 times a day. Lots of great info from lots of experienced trippers here.
Everything is new to me, even what some would consider the same old question rehashed. So, thanks to all the regulars that post their thoughts and opinions. It is greatly appreciated!
I want to encourage everyone to post something about their recent outings. A trip does not have to be an epic voyage. A few pictures from your local afternoon trip are just fine.. Everyone likes to armchair travel.
Four hundred folks, that's a bunch! I do believe that any group or gathering like this tends to, after a while, take on a personality unique to itself. The fact that so many find a friendly and accepting place to visit and join in, is due to Robin's gentle and kind stewardship.

While we're have a little state of the site discussion here: How are the funds needed to perform site maintenance holding up? Nothing lasts for ever and I know that the computer mechanic probably needs to work on it pretty much on a regular basis. So...how about it Robin; is it time to top up the coffers yet?

Best Wishes, Rob
I agree with Yellowcanoe, a few pictures from your local waterway or an old trip report from way back when are always welcome and add greatly to the site.

Thanks OM, The funds are still holding up. We have a volunteer who is keeping an eye on the site and some repairs are slated for down the road. Maybe even a more interesting banner, but all in good time.
I want to encourage everyone to post something about their recent outings.

I'd post pics here if I could just upload them from my PC. I can't figure out the instructions, and I don't want to use a third-party site. But maybe that's a good thing ....
You do have to use a photo hosting website. You can't direct upload. I have been using Photobucket for years.. seems to be one of the better ones.
Please, please, please post your trip reports (with photos). My free time runs hot and cold, I need those vicarious trips to keep me sane.
even if the trip is 5 years old, if I've (we've) never seen it, it's still seems fresh!

Glad to hear that the membership is growing, I'm always curious about the lurking/posting ratios...
Please, please, please post your trip reports (with photos). My free time runs hot and cold, I need those vicarious trips to keep me sane.
even if the trip is 5 years old, if I've (we've) never seen it, it's still seems fresh!

Glad to hear that the membership is growing, I'm always curious about the lurking/posting ratios...

There are 12 trip reports here, plus a few non-BWCA trips. Is that enough?
The swelling numbers is great news, congratulations Robin. I'm too embarrassed to admit how often I drop in here. It's not that I don't have a life, it's just that this place and these people add so much to it. Thanks everyone.
I feel guilty not to have contributed with any TR's; we've been on a few. Most of our pics were lost to e-misadventure; all my fault. I'll scrape a recent trip together soon, and try out the posting process.
Gavia, I recommend Photobucket. You can keep your photo file exclusively private there if you want. Uploading etc is fairly easy. If I can do it, anyone can; I'm not the sharpest tack when it comes to gadgetry. Just this past weekend, my brother was in charge of the TV remote while we watched some hockey. Darn! I didn't know you could do all those things with that clicker! My sister-in-law kept pointing it at me and tapping a button. I'd like to think it was the HD button, but it was more than likely the Mute.
Robin, I'm glad and relieved you've found a site mechanic, to put this forum up on the hoist once in awhile. It doesn't hurt to pay attention to every little rattle and squeak; let us know of needed funding.

ps Ah! I just saw your paddle blog spot Gavia. Very nice. Thanks for that.