• Happy Birthday, Liberace (1919-87)! 🤵🏻🎹🕎

Wish I had worn gloves



I laid a top coat of black enamel paint on some recent Dynel and resin repairs this morning for UV protection. There was graphite powder and black pigment in the resin mix we used, West 105 206 and Gflex, so black paint.

I seem to use more black enamel than any other paint, so I had a large can of it in the shop.

With the hull painters taped and papered for drip potential I laid out my supplies and poured some enamel into a tall disposable cup. I seem to be fresh outa my preferred short disposable cups.

This is simple, hands clean brush and tip out work. No need for gloves.

Big can of black paint. I woops dumped five times the amount of paint needed into the cup. Crap, go to dump at least half of it back in the can before I reseal the lid.

Yup, knocked over the cup on the bench. I had at least been smart enough to lay newspaper on the bench underneath my work area.

Not smart enough to have worn disposable gloves. Not smart enough to put the paper towel roll within reach. I expect that anyone who works on boats has made the same anguished cry, that gutteral ARRGGHHH that comes even before profanities.

DougD would have been proud of me as I stared momentarily shocked and helpless at the fast spreading puddle of black paint.

I think the last time I made that noise I had dislodged a foam sleeve from a roller when doing epoxy work and had it fall in an almost unreachable area. Almost unreachable, I have another tee shirt relegated to shop work with leaned into it epoxy imprints.
I poured a properly measured cup of resin into the hull of a 15 footer onto glass that was perfectly smoothed and prepped and ready for its first coat. Even as I pouring it out I knew I'd had a brain-fart and forgot to add the hardener.
And yup. I actually measured out a half cup of hardener, poured it over the puddle of resin and started to mix in place with a stir stick, the whole while knowing what I was doing was the stupidest thing I would attempt all year. And yup, I spread it and went home.
And yup, the next morning it was sticky mess. I figure I lost a good day's worth of billable hours.
The stupid thing is that I'm not sure I wouldn't attempt the same fool thing again tomorrow.