Steve, I knew they were Hoks. I'm more of a Kom kind of guy and may get a pair if I ware out my current skis. Did you know that it's common for people to use that type ski with a single pole? It's called a lurk and they are about 6 to 8 feet, I think.
We've had lake effect snow flurries, showers and squalls over the last two weeks. It's kept things nice and white, but not enough to ski. Today might be the day. If not we may get more on Sunday from a storm coming up the coast.
I did get out for a hike with a friend the other day. The plan was to build a fire, make some cocoa and Geta little fresh air. We didn't go far. We made our fire in an old campfire ring that I had found over ten years ago. It's situated at the edge of a swamp under the protection of some
hemlocks. There are a couple seats made from large rocks there, but no sign that anyone had ever camped there with no suitable spot for a tent. There hadn't been a fire in it for many years judging by the thick moss that had grown in the pit. When I got a stick to use to support my pot over the fire I found that a rock had been placed behind the pit that had a notch in the bottom to hold a stick just for this purpose. Another rock was there that was used to adjust the hight of the pole.
When I found this pit I assumed it was used by deer hunters for a mid day break, which was a custom around here back in the day. I also assumed it was used by the guy who originally owned my cottage. He had a reputation for being quite the hunter. Legend has it that he had a stand in this area that was 60 feet high in a tree and that he got a buck every year for over 40 years.
It was a great day. We got a little exercise and it felt good to be out in the cold air. We had our cocoa and some meat sticks made from a bear that my friend had shot earlier this season.