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Want to volunteer in Canada

Feb 10, 2015
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Hello everyone!

We are a Swedish couple (me and Sigrid), going to Canada this fall (september to december) and intend to volunteer with something we enjoy. We're 29 and 23. My biggest interests are canoes and paddles. I've built my own wood canvas canoe and lots of paddles. I've studied bushcraft for 2 years and one year woodworking. Sigrid is very social, have been working at environmental organisations, loves to bake(vegan) and sometimes cook. Also likes children and have been working on two organic farms. We speak swedish and english fluently, speak/understand somewhat italian and german, and understand danish, norweigan and some finnish.

I would love to do something canoe related, like building/repairing canoes or paddles or taking people for trips or such thing. But we welcome any suggestions.
you might ask over at www.myccr.com. Many more Canadians over there.

The Canadian Canoe Museum comes to mind.. Tripping does not. After CDN Thanksgiving, tripping is over. In some spots ice is coming in late Sept.
Three months maybe a short term.. Volunteering sometimes takes training..not that you don't know what you are doing but organizations sometimes have their ways.
I ran across this website which may or may not help
Do you know where in Canada you would like to be? Somewhere in the vicinity of Vancouver would give you milder weather and more opportunities for open water. Still lots of native culture but a bit different style than what you'd find in Ontario.

There are plenty of mountains out there so if you wanted cold and snow it would only take a short drive to reach higher elevations.

If organic farming interests you : http://www.wwoof.ca/home
Or maybe the Canadian Canoe Museum has a volunteer-instructor opportunity : http://www.canoemuseum.ca/#home-section
Although your September-December timeframe coincides nicely with fall programmes in colleges, universities etc (guest speaker?),
it is late in the paddling season for outfitters.
Good luck Jonas. I hope you can make this trip work for you two.
I agree with the others about the Canadian Canoe Museum in Peterborough. Even if you're just volunteering for a short time, there's enough canoe related stuff to keep you very excited.

If you do come to the Southern Ontario area, how about a little volunteer tour with some local builders?

Maybe consider contacting Dick Persson of Buckhorn Canoe Company. He does lots of restoration work and is probably the most knowledgeable gentleman I've ever met on canoe history and identification. I believe he's originally from Sweden as well.

Also, maybe consider contacting Pam Wedd of Bearwood Canoe close to Parry Sound. She does building courses with people who wish to build their own wood canvas canoes. I did one with her in 2008 - a wonderful experience. Her property is just beautiful right on the banks of the Seguin River so you can test out some of the boats. Her workshop is a 100+ year old converted barn and they have a guest bunkhouse nearby. Perhaps she could use a volunteer hand during her fall building season?
Thanks a lot everyone for all the advice you have given! I really appreciate it! We have contacted a few builders now and are waiting for reply. If you have more advice please let me know!
Jonas; just a warning- be careful to check what your EXACT status would be. I the government believes you will take a position form a Canadian citizen( eg. volunteering for a position that may be normally a paid position, like working for a builder) they can require a work permit.
Thank you everyone, I appreciate you taking the time. Unfortunately I've had a change of plans due to expensive flight tickets. So I'll be staying here. But I still intend to go there one day so I will keep your advices in mind!
Plan long ahead. Pam Wedd does take in interns from time to time depending on her build repair schedule. As Scouter Griz pointed out I have been up against that work permit issue and for the little money involved, decided not to take the job.