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Saving and Retrieving Draft Replies

Apr 10, 2019
Reaction score
After writing a discussion and choosing the "save draft".

Where does the draft go? Am I missing it somewhere? I started a writing the other day and had to stop and hit the save draft button. Then came back today and can not figure out how to get back to that draft. Thanks for any help.
Have you tried returning to the same thread in an attempt to reply? Maybe it's there waiting for you.

I just typed "test" in the reply field here and then saved the draft. I then closed out the browser, re-opened canoetripping, and came back to this thread and found my saved reply, test, waiting for me.

Worked for me too. Go back to the thread to which you were going to post. Mine showed that I'd saved a draft as soon as I clicked on the "title" bar. (I'd do a screen shot but the draft contains profanity 🤷‍♂️)
Have you tried returning to the same thread in an attempt to reply? Maybe it's there waiting for you.


(I'd do a screen shot but the draft contains profanity 🤷‍♂️)
Thank you Alan and Gamma. Yep I was not opening my eyes wide enough to see the "You have a draft" above the text box. Sometimes the forest hides the tree you are looking for. Thanks for the laugh Gamma.
I'm sure that portage starts over there........somewhere......I think........maybe.........................stumble around in the bush for 20 minutes............HERE IT IS!
Good job, guys. I didn't even know the Save Draft feature existed. I'm going to edit the topic title to make it more specific.
I'm sure that portage starts over there........somewhere......I think........maybe.........................stumble around in the bush for 20 minutes............HERE IT IS!

I've done that. (only I stumble around for a couple of hours and carry everything a mile through the woods) 🤣