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May BWCA Trip

Oct 20, 2019
Reaction score
Mendota Heights, MN
Left 6:15 am Monday morning and arrived at Entry Point 19 Stuart River around 11. Had to cut the trip from 7 to 4 days for personal reasons, but had 4 glorious days. The first 480 rod portage is a rough one and we were glad to be paddling after that. The River was higher than last year, and other than an occasional beaver dam, it was smooth sailing. Had to wear head nets most of the time as the black flies were out in full force. Really glad I brought the CCS Lean 3. Although the wind did a decent job at keeping the flies down at our site, it was nice to have the shelter to eat meals and relax without a head net. Stayed on a wonderful site on Stuart Lake. The Hammock was a great choice as it never got below 50 and was really comfortable. Although short, the fishing was great, and the old growth red pines on the Dahlgren river portage were beautiful. The lakes and rivers of Canadian Shield rock will forever amaze me and keep my dreaming of them through the long months of winter.


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Thanks for the trip report. I used my RR with the Spindrft and the Thunderfly tarp just a week ago in the Adirondacks. I was fortunate that the black fies were not bad yet. I hardly had to use a headnet or my Sea to Summit bug shelter. I expect it to be much different this coming weekend.