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Looking for a replacement

Jun 12, 2012
Reaction score
Appleton, Maine
I would like to pass on the information needed to run the site, it's been 5 months since I took it over and I think it's time for someone else to pick up the paddle and move on.
It's a very easy site to maintain, you can change (forums) things to suit you interests and it requires very little maintenance.
The only issue is that come February 10th, the site hosting fee ($150) will be needed to be renewed. I'm sure there are lots of folks here who will help out, including me, but it will require some imagination and salesmanship.
I hope we find someone who has some fresh ideas, high speed internet, and a willingness to take over.
It is a very nice group of Canoeist's
Well Robin, no matter what happens from this point, we all owe you our gratitude for getting the site past that time of sorrow and confusion. Actually, in a way I'm glad to see you working towards getting your normal full life back again. Your shop and canoes have missed you.

Congratulations on a wise decision; although that leaves the site with one heck of a problem, but if no one is able or willing to step forward it is not a reason to give up a major part of your retirement to provide for all of us.

As the Aussies say: "Good on you Mate!"

Best Wishes, your friend
Thanks Rob, Hopefully someone will be interested. My problem is my slow internet connection, and lack of any real tecky type contacts to help make changes or solve problems.

Old dog, new tricks syndrome I guess.
Fast Internet connection. Zero connection with geek types. I for sure am no geek.. I have no idea how to answer the last tech question posed.
Same here,YC, but I echo Rob's post: Thanks for picking this up, Robin. The $$ won't be a problem, and hopefully someone will volunteer to take over.
Robin, for the info of anyone interested, perhaps you could remind us who the service companies are that you deal with (software, server, etc.), what the total costs per year would be, and what kind of paperwork would be involved in transferring ownership.
Hi Glenn,
Well, there has been some interest, and right now we are in the process of me explaining the past and present to the interested party. Things look really promising.

BTW, my looking to step down from the administration side of Canoetripping.net is not because of lack of interest or dislike of the job, it's more of my being a somewhat challenged tecky and lacking the proper equipment to try and learn in a timely fashion. Some days it just takes a long time to get anything done on my home computer. I sometimes go to my friend and father in laws place to use his high speed equipment, but his dog barks at me non stop, he smokes and two old guys together start talking about the weirdest things....:confused:

Another issue I see is I'm a somewhat stuck in that wood canvas/Duluth packs/solo tripping/single beavertails mode and when you guys start talking about different lay ups and schedules and draws and prys and that girl named Christy...well, I have no clue and even less desire to "chine" in. It would be good to get some new and different leadership, not that the new prospect is any better, just fresh ideas, better equipment with tecky contacts and that's a good thing.;)
That's all well and good but I like the wood and canvas canoe, Duluth packs, solo tripping, single beavertail (what ever in the heck that is, are there one's with two tails?) mode you are in just fine. So after all the dust settles I'd still hope to be seeing your posts and photos.
Another issue I see is I'm a somewhat stuck in that wood canvas/Duluth packs/solo tripping/single beavertails mode and when you guys start talking about different lay ups and schedules and draws and prys and that girl named Christy...

Well don't feel bad. Even all this new-fangled talk and freestyle canoeing is still seen as ridiculously stupid and boring by most of the world...

If you want a laugh, go to youtube and look at the comments under the freestyle canoe videos.

If you aren't destroying something, putting your life in danger, or sponsored by Mountain Dew then you will be seen as less than human by popular culture.

I'm 32 and I love canoe sports and recreation. Not many people my age do. And I'm not a total geek either. I've played in rock bands, built guitar amps and race cars, raced mountain bikes, cars and karts and I am pretty darn good at going fast, but that isn't what water sports are about to me. Not everything has to be an adrenaline rush. It is good see people still embrace what traditional canoeing is all about - I can only imagine the days when a trip into the Adirondacks was most accessible using the Northern Forest Canoe Trail. When things moved a little slower. When a water path was considered the fast way of transport.

It is great to see the old and the new meld together in canoeing... an old dog learning new tricks. Don't fear it. It is just the natural evolution of everything and anything.