• Happy (Ancient) May Day! 🎀💈💃🏼🧺💐🍴

Spam News

dang Lumbersexuals are taking over everything!!!!!!!!!!!!!! b*st*rds, take your cilantro and parsley and shove it into your skinless boneless chicken breasts, leave my Spam alone!
That sounds like a dare I can't resist!
Spam and bacon bits are a start. Have to think on this

Camping with a bunch of rednecks that hate couscous. We'll come up with something. Spam egg bacon frittata or better
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dang Lumbersexuals are taking over everything!!!!!!!!!!!!!! b*st*rds, take your cilantro and parsley and shove it into your skinless boneless chicken breasts, leave my Spam alone!

Please oh please, someone trip with Mem and feed him Spam and quinoa on a bed of kale.
Holy bat crap Mem, I thought it was satire for the first couple minutes tell I realized they were dead serious. I need to go back to my home planet where I belong.
There's only one way to eat Spam on a canoe trip....fried up in a cold handled frying pan and shoved piping hot into yur gullet. You might receive some artisan points if you stick it between some fresh bannock and pull out that mustard and ketchup you've been hiding from the other greedy gobbling machines around you. I gotta tell you, when I fried it up at the Falls on the Powitik, I felt like a little fox with a fresh kill surrounded by a pack of salivating wolves. Brad tried to prevent me from eating it by tricking me into eating some dang hot pepper from the planet Youranus, but in the end, I prevailed, and only gave away the pieces that had fallen in the dirt.
This is sooo just like the hipster memequay we all know...
" I think my Spam is having a moment; I'm struck by it's presence."
" I'm gonna own this artisanal Spam."
" Every one of my cans of Spam begins with inspiration, frivolity and experimentation. Yeah, lots of experimentation."
" It's congealing just right."
" Like bringing something almost back from the dead; it's really exciting."
" I can taste the terroir of this Spam."
" Blows my mind."
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Ha ha, yup, Brad there's a lot of inspiration in Spam that moves one to sing its praises with the eloquence of Queen Elizabeth. Pretty high falutin' for something made out of lips and peckers.
That video is nausea inducing. Not the spam, the hipsters. The most sickening part is mushing up the spam. It can only be sliced and fried!

In all seriousness, I may have a canned camp meal to trump spam. I do enjoy a spam breakfast, but for dinner everytime I go out is a can of spagettios and van camps pork and beans, mixed together with some sliced up fire roasted nitrate filled Oscar Meyer hot dogs. The cheaper the dogs the better. Try it. It will change your life.

Next time I'm out I'll substitute the dogs for spam. Should work just fine, except I've never tried to skewer a chunk of spam and cook it over a fire.
That was a well done video. A real relief to realize it was meant as a joke.

On a non-April fool's day note I did see the other day that the Spam museum in Austin, MN has reopened after their remodel. Best buy your tickets ahead of time so you don't get stuck standing in line.

Ohhh, if I had a nickel for every time I heard memequay say last summer ‘"This orgasmic Spam would pair rather eloquently with a nice little Belgian beer with cherry notes and oaky depths, say a delectable Chantillon Lou Pepe Kriek!”"
That guy is such a food snob, you have no idea.