• Happy Publication of "Star Spangled Banner" (1814)! 🚀💣🇺🇸

Hi paddlers

Aug 11, 2017
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I originally joined this forum a few years ago but haven't posted on it much at all. I just got off the phone with Mike McCrea and decided to take a look at it and realized I should be back on it.
My wife, (Nanci) and I not only paddle and race canoes, but also kayaks and three years ago decided to try paddleboarding and now have four of them in our fleet.
We summer in the mountains of North Carolina and winter in Key Largo where we are now, so if any one is heading to the Keys give us a shout and we'll gladly lead you on a trip through some mangrove tunnels or to one of the many off shore Keys.

Jack L
Welcome back ! Jack L

I know it's easy to move on to other things, but it always feel good to stop in and see what's going on in the old neighborhoods !

I doupt I'll ever get to Florida, but you nevr know, and having a guide in the area is Great !

Hi Jack L and Nanci!
Guess you aren't enamored of that newfangled paddling forum either.
Pull up a seat . Doug likes to keep the campfire going but isn't into remodeling thankfully.
And no ads to pester you.
We all try and chip in from time to time.
Great to see you on Canoe Tripping again. Paddling boards come and go, and enjoy their heyday periods. Canoe Tripping is a “strong” as ever; there is no politics, no rancor, little judgment and few fools, just paddlers and trippers of one stripe or another who know what they are doing and accept that we all have different ways of doing it.

It is as easy going and informative a paddling forum as I ever seen, and Doug has a good hand on the tiller. I have learned a lot here, tried new things and incorporated new ways. And sometimes old ways.

Also no advertisements; Canoe Tripping is nonprofit and wholly supported by a once a year fundraiser.

Another knowledgeable guide in the confusion of the Everglades is always welcome. Check your Private Messages later. I meant to get your current e-mail address, I think the one I have is incorrect.
Good to see you here, Jack. I recall that you have compiled a very comprehensive descriptive listing of Florida (and maybe other state) paddling trips. Could you post a link to it. Thanks.
Good to see you here, Jack. I recall that you have compiled a very comprehensive descriptive listing of Florida (and maybe other state) paddling trips. Could you post a link to it. Thanks.

Here it is :


A few launch areas have changed such as the ones from Indian Key fill- that take off to Legnum vitae Key. I think they prevent parking there now. We need to check it out. Some others have changed since Hurricane Irma but for most part they are good
You don't need a google account. Just type in the web sit

No you don't but with the apostrophe or dirt you are taken to the Google Log in Page. and you do then.. I guess grammar counts even though I have grandkids who cannot read cursive!