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Hey just joined the forum under my real name Eric Billard.

Nov 20, 2018
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How's it going guys, hoping to spark up some meaningful conversations on all things canoe tripping, share my experiences and broaden my horizons.

Welcome back Eric. What part of the continent are you from? We are the mid northern members ( Manitoba). Tons of great paddling here, when the weather cooperates.

I paddle mostly in Ontario, but have been on plenty of paddling adventures in both Quebec and in the states aswell.
Hi Eric! Welcome back. Yep even wth the square stern wcich shiws anything is possible and never let a budget stop you!

Thanks, that boat was definently something else, it was painfully slow, ugly as all heck, but in all honesty I can't complain in the slightest as I got to spend an entire month in the wilds for free; paying nothing at all other than for food and also it wasnt too bad to portage at all to boot. It was an absolutely amazing experience, and I had a great time. I now have an Esquif prospector 15 and absolutely love it.

On another note, just imagine what kind of set-up you can have with an unlimited budget. What would you get?
The simplest “What would I get” answer is that we have a family fleet that fills our various niches from downriver day boat to solo tripper to decked expedition canoe, and I would look to replace most of them with something 20 lbs lighter.