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Hello from the Yukon

Jul 6, 2019
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Whitehorse, Yukon
This is Greg from Yukon Territory. We use Freighter canoes mostly as a way to get moose from the bush. So we have three freighters from a 17 foot that will carry 770 pounds to an 18 foot Clipper that will carry 1500 pounds and a 21 foot 60" wide beast from Scott that will carry over a ton. We also have 4 paddle canoes from a 15 foot solo from Clipper to a nice royalex 16 foot Prospector in Red (Bill Mason would be happy) and a 17 foot Old Town tripper with a bit more life in it but heavily used! Finally I picked up a 17 foot PakBoat for fly in trips.

Our gear tends to be traditional like our Winchester Model 71 in 348, and a plethora of canvas portage packs and wooden wannigans with of course TUMPLINES!. I love the Tumpline! However we also like the big blue barrels with fancy harness and the big freighter sports a fancy surface drive engine from Louisiana that allows us to hop beaver damns. Love the country the canoe opens up for us and I retire in 5 months so next summer I will do tripping full time and attempt to wear out some gear.

Put lot's of stuff on Youtube. Here is a Moose hunt with the 348 that might serve as an intro to me and my favourite hunting partner my son who is now 16 and an accomplished moose hunter in his own right as well as the centre of his Senior basketball team... (no longer small). Like the looks of your site. Thanks for having us.

I love the Yukon. Been there 5 times (so far, not done yet) for the Yukon River Quest and Yukon 1000 mile races, using Voyageur and C4 canoes, a bit lighter than freighters.
It's a pretty great place to live. Our kids have done pretty well here and have had ton's of opportunity to learn about nature and self reliance. Love your Avatar!
Welcome Greg! We did part of the Yukon River as tourists in our 18 foot Kevlar canoe from Johnsons Crossing to Dawson.. Have to do it again and cross Laberge.. I like big lakes ( we often canoe Superior). We also canoed from Duo Lakes to Ft. Macpherson on the Snake/Peel Rivers.

Last trip was in a trailer( sigh) but car camping. I love Keno. Nice to camp on Keno Hill. Mayo is pretty nice too.. anything off the Alaska Highway.. Kluane NP was a bit of a shock.. dust storms from low water levels.

I see the Yukon is again beset by wildfires.. https://globalnews.ca/news/5468056/yukon-wildfires-spread/
We went up to Hunker Summit in 2016. Gorgeous and a working area.

Hope you are safe and well.
I'll be checking out your channel on Youtube, Both my son and son in law have shot moose in Maine and the memories of those hunts will last a lifetime. Those are some pretty big canoes, very versatile.

Been to the Yukon and loved every moment. Did plenty of hiking out of Haines Junction but never brought a canoe with us.. Never met so many people with such positive attitudes. Wife and I agree that if we could start life all over as a young couple we would move there.
Keep us posted and welcome here.