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Hello from Ontario

Sep 6, 2014
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On my 4th birthday, I received a canoe. I remember learning how to dump, sink and bail out the 15' lime green canoe before I ever saw a paddle. It wasn't until I was in my early teens, that I was allowed to venture off away from eyesight of the cottage deck. That's when I would get lost in epic adventures. As a young adult, I was introduced to the beauty and peace of the Algonquin and Killarney backcountry. I've always travelled as a tandem or group and enjoyed every minute. This season a paradigm shift has guided me towards planning my first solo trip. In searching for advice, mentorship and self education I came across this forum and liked what I was reading and so have stepped out of my introverted shell to extend an introduction. My name is Andrew and I like to paddle.
Welcome to the site. I know you'll find many nice folks, who have lots of knowledge and expertise. Just be yourself and jump in where you can.

Like you, I love both Algonquin, and Killarney park. Great places to enjoy the outdoors.

Have fun

Welcome, lots of paddlers have here have cut their "canoe" teeth as little people in front of a lakeside cabin. Good luck on the Solo planning, going alone is very rewarding.
Hello Andrew, and welcome. I like that you've found peace and beauty in the backcountry. That's what lures me back. There's nothing quite like a quiet discovery experienced on a canoe trip. Best of luck with your solo planning.