• Happy Birthday, Annette Funicello (1942-2013)! 🐭🍍🩱

Fun with Chat GPT

ChatGPT's genteel speech pattern is eerily reminiscent of Hal in 2001 - A Space Odyssey. I'll ask Alexa to play some 'Also sprach Zarathustra' for me.
I just tried asking it the same question and it told me it did not know his parent's name and that their is little information available on them but that his father was a gardener.

I have absolutely no idea what the true answer is and I'm not questioning your assertion that he was a baker but I am curious how you know he was a baker. It certainly doesn't seem like something that would be common knowledge.

I never thought to ask it to provide possible canoe routes. That could definitely lead to some fun during the winter months!


Researching Charles Mason was just one of those rabbit holes I go down from time to time. I used it to test ChatGPT because it was not widely known. The information can be found in more than one source, but here is one for you:

Canoe Routes as suggested by ChatGPT:

Sure, here are a few more suggested canoe routes in Woodland Caribou Provincial Park that meet your criteria of no upstream paddling and no portages longer than 400m for a 14-day or longer trip:

  1. The Red Lake Loop
Duration: 14-16 days (depending on your pace)

Portages: 4 portages with no portages longer than 400 meters

Day 1-2: Begin at the Red Lake access point and paddle through Red Lake and Upper Wapesi Lake.

Day 3-4: Paddle through Lower Wapesi Lake and take a 250m portage to move into the Deer River.

Day 5-7: Paddle through the Deer River and take a 200m portage to move into the Gammon River.

Day 8-10: Paddle through the Gammon River and take a 180m portage to move into the Yokeko River.

Day 11-13: Paddle through the Yokeko River and into Broadleaf Lake, then take a 330m portage to move into the Red Lake River.

Day 14-16: Paddle downstream on the Red Lake River to reach the end point at the Red Lake access point.

I have not checked this with a map to see how reasonable it might be.
Q: Do you know any good canoe jokes?

Sure, I can share a canoe joke with you:

Why did the canoe blush?

Because it saw the shore and couldn't paddle fast enough!
Q: Do you know any good canoe jokes?

Sure, I can share a canoe joke with you:

Why did the canoe blush?

Because it saw the shore and couldn't paddle fast enough!

Perhaps, like me, you didn't get the joke either. I asked Chat GPT to explain it to me:

Of course, I'd be happy to explain the joke.

In the joke, the canoe blushes, which means it turns red. The reason the canoe turns red is because it sees the shore, which is where it wants to go. However, canoes don't have the ability to paddle on their own, so the joke implies that the canoe is embarrassed or "blushing" because it can't paddle fast enough to reach the shore. The humor comes from the personification of the canoe and the play on words with the phrase "can't paddle fast enough."

I then asked ChatGPT if it made that joke up all by itself, and, not surprisingly, it responded to the affirmative.

I thought a more proper response to "Why did the canoe blush" would have been, "Because it's an early model Bell."

I've asked Chat GPT a few more jokes and, oddly enough, they're kinda funny in the same way a bad movie is funny. Sometimes we work together to improve the jokes. I may have found a new BFF.

Alan, we are all enriched by the fact that you are posting here instead of installing new batteries in the line of Tesla's outside your shop, but I tentatively suggest that watching Midnight Cowboy might have more redeeming value than chatting with AI. It at least has three Oscars and sex . . . from a time when those things were apolitical and fun.

But, as always, different jokes for different folks, as long as everyone keeps chatting. Carry on . . . I was just having a '60s nostalgia flashback. The greatest decade!
I tentatively suggest that watching Midnight Cowboy might have more redeeming value than chatting with AI. It at least has three Oscars and sex . . . from a time when those things were apolitical and fun.
I took your advice last night and settled in for a relaxing evening of male prostitution. I can't say I was a huge fan of the movie but it was worth the watch. I've never been a big John Voight fan but he did play an interesting character and Dustin Hofmann, as usual, did a great job.

I took your advice last night

I didn't actually expect that, Alan, as my post was mainly rhetorical. You may be the first person to take my advice since my last kid was 11. If you can tolerate more Jon Voight and male pigginess, don't miss "Deliverance". It also has canoes, guns, bows, arrows and banjos.
I didn't actually expect that, Alan, as my post was mainly rhetorical. You may be the first person to take my advice since my last kid was 11. If you can tolerate more Jon Voight and male pigginess, don't miss "Deliverance". It also has canoes, guns, bows, arrows and banjos.
I've seen Deliverance a few times and despite John Voight being in it I enjoyed it every time. It's probably been 25 years since I last saw it so it's probably due for a re-watch.

A month or so ago I 'read' the (audio) book version and it was better than I remembered the movie being. But that always seems to be the case when it comes to books vs. movies. I'd highly recommend it to anyone who has (or hasn't) seen the movie. Knowing the plot and what was going to happen was no detraction at all from enjoying the book. There were plenty of differences and the book allowed much more character introspection that can't be conveyed in a movie. Also, the book didn't have John Voight in it.

Nice pun, BTW

Next time you ask a question specify for it to answer in 20 words or less.
So what do we need old timers for?
Good question. Here is the answer it gave:

As an AI language model, I don't have personal feelings or opinions, but I can provide an objective perspective on the topic.

The value of keeping older individuals in society extends beyond their ability to provide information or knowledge. Human societies are built on the foundation of intergenerational connections, and each generation contributes unique qualities that collectively enrich society. Here are some reasons why keeping older people around is essential:

1. Wisdom and Experience: Older individuals often possess a wealth of life experiences and accumulated knowledge that can't be replicated by machines. Their wisdom and insights come from navigating through various challenges and successes throughout their lives, providing valuable lessons for younger generations.

2. Guidance and Mentoring: Older people can serve as mentors, guiding younger individuals in both personal and professional aspects of life. Their mentorship can have a profound impact on the personal development and growth of younger generations.

3. Emotional and Social Support: Interacting with older people can provide emotional support and a sense of belonging. The companionship and relationships formed with older family members or friends contribute to overall well-being and happiness.

4. Preserving Culture and Traditions: Older generations often carry cultural heritage and traditional knowledge that could otherwise be lost over time. They play a crucial role in preserving languages, customs, and practices that form a part of the collective identity.

5. Contribution to Society: Many older individuals continue to actively participate in the workforce, volunteer for various causes, or engage in community activities. Their contributions add value to the economy and society as a whole.

6. Advocacy for Social Issues: Older generations can be advocates for social issues and bring attention to matters that might be overlooked by younger generations. They can lend their voices to raise awareness and effect positive change.

7. Family and Intergenerational Bonds: Families are strengthened by the connections between different generations. The presence of grandparents and older relatives can provide a sense of continuity and legacy, fostering close-knit family ties.

8. Diverse Perspectives: Interacting with people of different ages leads to a broader understanding of life and societal issues. Older individuals often bring unique perspectives, challenging conventional thinking and encouraging growth and adaptability.

In summary, while AI and technology can provide vast amounts of information, the human element remains irreplaceable. The presence of older individuals in society enriches our collective experience, fosters empathy and understanding, and allows for the transmission of valuable knowledge and traditions across generations. Embracing the contributions of all age groups promotes a more compassionate and inclusive society.
Well, it seems like Chat GPT hasn't been a huge hit here, yet. I don't do a lot with it but I have found it pretty entertaining. One of my favorite uses is prompting it to make up short action stories about super heroes created by a couple young boys I mentor. I thought I might see how it did with a Canoetripping.net themed story:

Once upon a time, there was a man named Memaquay, an avid and accomplished wilderness canoer. Every year, he embarked on an epic journey deep into the Canadian wilderness for his annual moose hunt. Armed with all the necessary gear and a heart full of determination, Memaquay would set out in his trusty canoe, hoping to return victorious.

Year after year, Memaquay paddled through pristine lakes, navigated treacherous rapids, and battled pesky mosquitoes in pursuit of the elusive moose. He knew every inch of the wilderness like the back of his hand, but when it came to moose hunting, luck seemed to be avoiding him like a skilled forest ninja.

One year, Memaquay decided to bring along his best friend, a mischievous fellow named Barnaby. Barnaby was more interested in catching fish than hunting moose, but he couldn't resist the adventure Memaquay promised. They embarked on their journey, armed with fishing rods, hunting rifles, and a barrel of optimism.

As days turned into weeks, Memaquay and Barnaby encountered numerous wild animals. They had close encounters with black bears, startled a family of beavers, and even had a staring contest with a curious owl. But moose? Nowhere to be found. Memaquay's disappointment grew with each passing day, but his spirit remained unyielding.

On one particularly frustrating day, they spotted a majestic moose standing at the edge of a clearing. Memaquay's heart raced with excitement as he raised his rifle. Just as he was about to take the shot, the moose disappeared into thin air. Bewildered, Memaquay and Barnaby rubbed their eyes, wondering if they had stumbled upon a mystical moose mirage.

But it turned out that Memaquay's reputation as a skilled canoer had spread far and wide among the forest creatures. The moose, having heard tales of Memaquay's legendary fruitless hunts, had decided to play a prank on him. The crafty moose had perfected the art of camouflage, blending seamlessly with its surroundings whenever Memaquay approached.

Word quickly spread among the animal kingdom, and the moose's prank became an annual event. Every year, Memaquay would venture into the wilderness, searching for the elusive moose, while the moose delighted in outsmarting him at every turn.

And so, Memaquay became known as the "Moose Whisperer," a fearless canoer who was oblivious to the fact that his greatest nemesis was a prankster moose. But despite the fruitless hunts, Memaquay cherished his adventures and the laughter they brought. After all, life is about the journey, not just the destination, especially when the destination is a prank-loving moose.
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Ok, so I put the following suggestion to it
Write me a 250 word story about a man called Alan who fixes cars during the day, but builds magical crime fighting canoes at night.

Here is the result

In the quaint town of Willowbrook, there lived a man named Alan who led a dual life. By day, he was known as a skilled mechanic, adept at fixing all kinds of vehicles in his cozy little garage on the outskirts of town. However, as the sun dipped below the horizon and the moon claimed the sky, Alan's true passion came alive.

Under the veil of darkness, Alan retreated to a hidden workshop tucked away deep in the woods. There, he pursued a clandestine craft known only to a select few: building magical crime-fighting canoes. These canoes weren't ordinary vessels; they were imbued with extraordinary abilities to combat evil and protect the innocent.

Alan's journey into this mysterious world began when he stumbled upon an ancient book at an estate sale. The dusty tome contained long-lost knowledge of forgotten enchantments, and it sparked an insatiable curiosity within him. His dedication to the magical arts soon grew, and he spent countless nights studying the mystical texts and perfecting his craft.
Each canoe he constructed bore unique markings and runes, channeling different powers ranging from invisibility to lightning-fast speed. Alan knew that with great power came great responsibility, and he vowed to use his enchanted creations solely for good.

One fateful night, as Willowbrook was plagued by a wave of crime, Alan decided it was time to unveil his secret identity. Donning a cloak adorned with symbols of protection, he set sail on one of his magical canoes. The people of Willowbrook would never suspect that the humble mechanic, Alan, was also their elusive crime-fighting hero.

As time went on, Alan's alter ego became a beacon of hope for the townsfolk, who came to revere the mysterious figure patrolling the waters under the moonlight. His exploits became legendary, and the criminals quaked in fear, never knowing when the magical canoe and its courageous pilot would come to thwart their misdeeds.

And so, the man named Alan found balance in his dual life, fixing cars during the day and fighting crime with his magical canoes at night, ensuring the safety and harmony of Willowbrook for years to come.
One of my favorite uses

Alan, I'm becoming a bit worried. I hope you're not thinking of changing your screen name to HAL 9000. Our ancient pre-computer-era intervention team may have to travel to Iowa to administer the Turing test to you.

The above paragraph was written by an entity that correctly identified five pictures of bicycles.
LOL….no way a bot wrote that, unless its name was Alan!
As much as I'd like to take credit for your new nickname I'm afraid I have to give credit to the bot for coming up with The Moose Whisperer. I did tell it about your fruitless moose hunts and it took out from there.

I wonder what kind of crime I'm able to fight from a canoe? Poachers? Or maybe kayakers? I suppose since the canoes are magical they're not just relegated to the water. Seems like a pretty good movie plot. The burglar is foiled by a magic flying canoe with a dog riding in the bow and no one believes him.

If anyone hangs out with young kids they really get a kick out of the stories. An 8 year old nephew is in town this week so I told him to think up a superhero for himself along with the characters traits and super powers. It got his imagination going and we plugged it into chat gpt. Just like that he had three stories with himself as the main hero saving the town.

Those poor striking Hollywood writers. I now have a better understanding, of writers fear, of AI taking their jobs. It does appear that the comedic writers might still be okay for awhile.