• Happy International Axe Throwing Day! 🎯🪓🤾

What did you by yourself for Christmas? And did you tell your spouse ?

hahahaha I wish I could buy stuff w/o her knowing lol... I will go buy some lumbers and plywood for the shop....
I got the Optimus Stove, she was there, now she wants me to wrap it up and put it under the tree. No.

I don't wait on others to buy my canoe gear or tools.
Some down socks, Waterproof Bivy and a new solo sized tarp. Pretty much just eye roll acknowledgments from my wife now.
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I had my old Duluth Pack "Day Pack" restored for the 2nd time. I'd put it under the tree but I'm afraid the leather would be too tempting to the younger lab we have.:(

Wife was ok with it.
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I replenished a bunch of shop stock consumed on the last couple projects. Pad eyes, J hooks, cleats open and closed, minicel, disposable brushes, pop rivets and stainless steel hardware.

Opened that gift to me early, and already started using it.

She has no sense of what that stuff costs, and its my dime.
I know when I die someone will get a heck of a deal on all my stuff!

I met a guy in the dump one day many years ago who was unloading a tools from a deceased relative. I ended up just transferring the contents of his truck into my truck, minus the plastic totes he wanted to keep.

I got some beautiful tools an old Disston rip saw from the 1880's, hand planes, chisels...

A couple weeks later was Easter, and called my sons into my basement shop and told them, "Don't read anything into what I'm going to tell you, but when I pass all of these things here have value. If you haul it to the dump when I'm gone I will come back from the grave and haunt you for the rest of your lives."
I slept poorly on our trip this past fall, so when I saw a pair of gently used NeoAir Thermarests for sale I made the purchase. Beforehand I discussed this upgrade of sleeping pads with my boss, who assured me she was still happy with her choice of two ProLite Thermarests (a previous upgrade). So, just as a joke I told her I was buying both the NeoAirs for myself, using one and keeping the other as a spare. Ha. The joke didn't go over so well. Ah well. They weren't meant to be gifts to ourselves, but I think I'll wrap them up for under the tree. Thanks Bothwell.
I met a guy in the dump one day many years ago who was unloading a tools from a deceased relative. I ended up just transferring the contents of his truck into my truck, minus the plastic totes he wanted to keep.

I got some beautiful tools an old Disston rip saw from the 1880's, hand planes, chisels...

A couple weeks later was Easter, and called my sons into my basement shop and told them, "Don't read anything into what I'm going to tell you, but when I pass all of these things here have value. If you haul it to the dump when I'm gone I will come back from the grave and haunt you for the rest of your lives."

I only wish I had that opportunity with my dad about 25 years ago...one day he decided (after heart attack, stroke,) that he was DONE with ever, seemingly using any hand or power tools again...had some guys come in for $25-50 per carryload and they took away lots of things I had assumed would be added to my meager tool stash when the parents retired and moved back to CA Sierras in 2-3 years.
Nope, sold, gone, cleaned out. That was all his old stuff, both of my grandfathers who were heavily into tools of every sort. Staggering and sideswiped was I! He claimed he had been telling me to cull the herd on my next visit to NY, but I don't think he ever brought it up. Many regrets and annoyance on my end. And stuff that 25 years later, I still turn to and miss. Ugh.
LOL....I have a brand new Mig welder under my tree. I could not resist it and now dont have to borrow one when I want it. All I need is a shop to keep it in. I can barely find an open corner in the shop now.
Caonewise, I acquired a very well used canvas pack from an old guy who was passing on his gear. That will be me in about 10 years.

Tools. OH boy. Someone is going to get a gold mine from us eventually.
I bought back my wrecked subaru from the insurance company for $600 this week. I'm not telling you how much they paid me, but it was a really nice christmas gift.
I got a steal on a Hardy Marquis Salmon #2 reel and skagit head for my 2 hander. Told the wife to wrap it up and give it to me for Christmas. I make her look like the Rock Star she is every year for Christmas in front of our family.!