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Destination: Lake Lila, NY Adirondacks

Sep 9, 2020
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Syracuse, NY
Hey all, I am the canoetripping Newbie, so please bear that in mind should you decide to post an answer. My friend and I are planning a 4 day trip in October to Lake Lila in the New York Adirondack Mountains. We were inspired to plan this trip by posts made by the sites member Robin and his autumn trips to nearby Lake Low. Thanks Robin, for your inspiration!
My friend has much more camping experience than I do and has given me a long list of items we will need to bring. I think we will be well stocked for the trip. We tentatively have planned Sept 30 to October 4, depending on weather. If we need to postpone it will be to the next week, or the week after that. We know we need to get a permit from the forest ranger for longer than a 2 night stay. Gear wise, I believe we are getting down to what we need, but open to any “must haves” that you would suggest.
We plan to bow hunt for deer, and fish for Lake Trout and SM Bass. I have fished for bass, but never lake trout, so any suggestions on how to target them that time of year are helpful. I have some paddle tail grubs and heavy jigs, as well as some heavy spoons, as I think the LT will be deep then. I have the basic topo map of the lake from NYDEC saved on my phone. I understand that LT season closes on October 15 on this lake and it is artificial baits only.
As far as hunting, we plan to stay on the sites at the far side of the lake from the launch, as they offer easy access to the rail trail and other trails which we plan to hunt off of. I don’t know how much traffic those trails will get that time of year, and we don’t want to disturb anyone’s hike, and we also don’t want anyone to disturb our hunt. Hopefully we will not need to go too far for seclusion. We did find what looks like a good pinch point nearby. I plan to sit at that point, my friend plans to circle around it some and then come back to get me on way back to camp, possibly drawing deer towards me in the process.

Any input regarding Campsite to select, fishing or hunting would be appreciated, or even any side trips should we decide not to hunt or fish. Thanks all, I am really looking forward to this trip!
Hey, Thanks for the atta boy, Lake Lila is a beautiful lake with many great campsites. Being your first canoe/deer hunt, don’t get discouraged if things don’t go well, consider it a learning experience. I carried in way too much stuff the first few times but after a while I fine tuned my outfit and now I’m a slim trim hunt in’ machine. Oh corse I have never connected but it’s been rewarding non the less. I have the luxury of two sons who are avid hunters and supply me with all the venison I need.

Not sure what to say about hikers in your target area, maybe being flexible and having a plan B will help.

Sounds like a great trip, good luck and hope you have a good time.
Those sites near the old lodge (#'s 8 to 11) are also near the trail to Frederica Mt, and the train station, and as such, there is a fair number of hikers passing through there, at least on the road.
Even in late September in a normal year it can be busy there, this year, all bet's are off.
A short way from the tennis courts is a spring that is still active but getting kinds slow.
And there could be vehicular traffic on the road...the inholding with Partlow will continue in private hands for another 9 years.

I hope you get a 10 pointer and enjoy your trip. If the fishing and hunting are too dull, you could try paddling Harrington and Rainer brooks, the Shingle Shanty, or some of the Beaver River.
Take the time to hike up Frederica, or better yet, scramble up that other rock outcropping for some unique views.
I wish you all the best with your trip. I took my grandson there the third week in August and we had pretty good weather for most of our trip. We paddled out in the rain but it only added to his experience so I was fine what that; he was too! Even if your main goals are for hunting & fishing, I'd add my voice to the suggestion of taking the time to hike up Mt. Frederica. The payoff is high for such a short hike. I always enjoy that bird's eye perspective of the lake as you can clearly make out all the bays, islands & points that are shown on your map.

As for fishing; we did a bit but didn't really have any success. The wind was pretty active while we were there. Since my grandson is a lot lighter than I am, even with a sliding bow seat, we got blown around a lot making it difficult to fish. We did catch a few small bass but that was it. I hope you have infinitely better luck than we did.

Guess that's all for now. Take care, enjoy your trip and until next time...be well.


PS - I didn't see this in any of the previous posts so just in case...there is a lean-to at the end of the lake you're planning to camp. Not sure if you're interested in something like that but I do enjoy having one if I find myself on a rainy trip.
Thanks everyone for the replies. I am really trying to keep my expectations in check, but for the last two weeks I have been falling asleep at night dreaming of that 10 pointer walking broadside 10 yards from me, and after I gut and drag him back to camp, going out and getting 2 nice Lake Trout 50 yards off shore. Hey, it could happen! But I know it will be a big learning trip for me and I will be very very happy to come home with an empty cooler, sore muscles and a bunch of stories and pictures.

We did see the lean-to, we hope to camp a bit away from there so we can have access to our hunting plan, as well as maintain some solitude. Hoping for camp 10, 11 or 13. That is also why we are going in on a Wednesday, which hopefully will be a "quieter" day and we will have our pick of the camp sites. If not, we will just make do.

I like the idea of the hike up Mt. Frederica. With 4 days, I would think there is a few hours we can spare to do that.

What is black bear activity like and what should we do to be prepared for any bear encounters? We do know about locked coolers and stringing up our food stuff away from camp, etc. Coming in contact with a bear and being armed only with a bow is not the hunt I want to have.....
Do you know the condition of the road onto Lila? It can get pretty rough with rocks jutting out, I only drove it once with an SUV, I did see some low clearance vehicles in there, but be very careful on the way in and out if you don't have the clearance. I only drove to lot and walked down to the lake, never canoed it.... Yet....Hoping to . Soon.
The portage is fairly short so a couple of back and forth carries wouldn't take too long, just leave yourself time, I don't know if it is cartable.
You never know about a cold snap so make sure you have a warm bag and extra layers. If you have a nice Helinox Chair it is very luxurious and compact, other folding chairs are OK but take up more space.
Enjoy! Hey you never know you may run into me that weekend. :)
bcelect, that would be cool to meet you!

I have not seen a recent report on the condition of the road. I have a full size SUV 4WD with very good clearance, should be ok, and I will definitely take my time. I read that most of the portage is cartable, with a few spots to carry over. We went over our list of items tonight and I can see we will need to trim our list to make it work.
I do have a bag liner, and my friend has a pad for me to use. I heard it was in the 30’s this past weekend, so in two weeks, I expect 30’s and below for overnight lows will be the norm. Extra layers are a given!
Since you asked about the road...on my trip back in August I drove that road in our 2017 Toyota Tacoma. I never put it in 4 wd but the road definitely took a toll on the truck's wiring. When I turned the ignition over to leave after our trip, numerous lights stayed on on the dash. Seems all the bumps loosened a bunch of wires. I had no issue driving home and didn't think anything was really wrong; which thankfully, it wasn't. Bottom line, it took us 30 minutes to drive out from the Lila parking lot to the right turn that is the road to the Whitney Wilderness area on the way out. I would suggest you actually follow the 15 mph speed limit. It will save your vehicle in the end.

That's all for now. Take care and until next time...be well.

I was there last September and the road was not bad, fwiw.

In another thread some time ago, I said I thought the carry at Lila was too rough in too many spots to make a cart worthwhile. Others respectfully disagreed.
I was there last September and the road was not bad, fwiw.

In another thread some time ago, I said I thought the carry at Lila was too rough in too many spots to make a cart worthwhile. Others respectfully disagreed.

The only problem is that what is not bad for one is agony for another. See Al's Allagash Lake thread. I do recognize the scenery and we went to the same place but our recollections are far different.

FWIW I don't cart Lila but then again I don't have a pig of a canoe! Not being uppity but I saw coolers and Old Town Trippers on the trail. Meanwhile I was skipping along as much as an old fart can skip with a 23 lb boat.
That was why we bought it, we sanded it down and spray can coated the whole thing and then used a stencil to camo it. It has held up for a few years so far. It looks pretty cool and does hold a lot of gear, but this trip will be a real test.
I have been wanting to hunt up there during October blackpowder season for a while. I know there used to be a few hunting cabins on Round Lake a few miles away before they knocked them down and opened it to camping. I have heard from locals that the deer population isn’t great, but the deer that are there grow huge. Best of luck!

Bob, I will be sure to report my findings re deer populations. I will be happy to be able to harvest anything, or even nothing. We are going in pretty much blind to the terrain and activity, so expectations are low, even if hope is high.
Bob, I will be sure to report my findings re deer populations. I will be happy to be able to harvest anything, or even nothing. We are going in pretty much blind to the terrain and activity, so expectations are low, even if hope is high.

A hunting friend of mine was chagrined when he got a deer on the first day of hunting season. He regretted taking the shot. Why; his season was now over!
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We will be archery hunting this trip. In addition, I still have a regular gun tag, an additional doe tag in my region/zone, and a muzzleloader and late archery tag. Plus I could get someone to sign over a doe tag to me if that works out. The season’s not over until it is over!
Even so, the most I have ever taken in a season is two. Most years, just one. Last year, I did not tag a deer at all.
Well, trip is a go for Wednesday to Sunday. The weather forecast is “good enough”. We plan to drive, arriving around noon, then canoe in, make camp and hopefully get a little time to scout deer locations. Everything is packed and ready save a few last minute items. I keep unpacking and packing trying to lighten the load and consolidate bags. Still looks like too much but we will see, there are a couple of items I can leave back in the car if necessary or make a second trip to get.

I need to remember to take pictures and jot down a few notes on the trip. I will be sure to post a trip report here when I return. Thanks everyone for the tips and advice, I am really looking forward to this adventure!