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Blue Mountain Lake to Castle Rock, NY Paddle/Hike Combo

Sep 13, 2013
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Long Island, NY
Went on a group trip to Blue Mountain Lake. We parked on Route 28 and put in at the public launch that's clearly marked.

From there we paddled North West between Long Island and Osprey Island and then heading West past Bluff Point to the trail leading to Castle Rock. Once at the trailhead I beached the canoe and climbed the mile long trail to Castle Rock itself. It's fairly steep and not the best marked but if you take your time and look for the trail markers you will figure it out.

I'm really not a big hiker and can honestly say I was wondering if the hike was actually worth it when nearing the top. They view completely rewarded me for the effort. It was nice to sit and eat lunch while taking in the view. I wished I had brought more photography gear while snapping some photos and using the iPhone for panoramic shots.

The route we took was about a four mile paddle (round trip) and a two mile hike (round trip).

I did have a map and GPS but still found the view from the canoe a little confusing as it was difficult for me to detect what was an island and what was the shoreline behind it. I hope that's a skill that I can improve upon with some experience.

Some photos:

BML_CR by Hansen.Dougie, on Flickr

AMC FF 2013-54.jpg by Hansen.Dougie, on Flickr

AMC FF 2013-16.jpg by Hansen.Dougie, on Flickr

Untitled by Hansen.Dougie, on Flickr

It was a nice little trip and I'd do it again.

I loved your photos on Flickr...but you're not telling the whole story here. You paddled the Raquette River, stayed at Eaton, paddled Raquette Lake and the Marion.
C'mon, man, you're holding out on us. Let's hear the full story!

I loved your photos on Flickr...but you're not telling the whole story here. You paddled the Raquette River, stayed at Eaton, paddled Raquette Lake and the Marion.
C'mon, man, you're holding out on us. Let's hear the full story!


You are correct. There's more to the story. I'll come clean this evening after work. :D
Full Disclosure

Full Disclosure

OK, Stripperguy nailed it. There's more to the story.

I was invited to attend the Appalachian Mountain Club's Annual Adirondack Fall Foliage Paddle by a fellow member of Long Island Paddlers. We were joined by a mutual friend and L.I.P. member. It was my first trip to the Adirondacks. I hope it's not my last.

After an early start we arrived at Axton Landing and paddled Stony Creek and part of Ampersand.

My friends were in their Placid Boat Works Rapidfires and I joined them in my Swift Keewaydin 15.

The weather was fantastic and the creek proved to be challenging with all it's twists and turns. Beautiful scenery to take in the bright sunshine.

Nice, sandy beach at Axton Landing:

AxtonLanding-7.jpg by Hansen.Dougie, on Flickr

AxtonLanding-10.jpg by Hansen.Dougie, on Flickr

AxtonLanding-17.jpg by Hansen.Dougie, on Flickr

AxtonLanding-20.jpg by Hansen.Dougie, on Flickr

We then rendezvoused with the rest of the AMC group at the Lake Eaton Campsite. We had a nice spot right on the shore.

AMC FF 2013-4.jpg by Hansen.Dougie, on Flickr

After a wonderful meal and overnight sleep the AMC group split into two groups for a paddle based on Raquette Lake. I chose to paddle the Marion River. Here's the track my GPS recorded.

RL_MR by Hansen.Dougie, on Flickr

We paddled into the Marion River and stopped for a nice lunch on point overlooking the river. Again, weather in the 70s. Quite nice!

AMC FF 2013-24.jpg by Hansen.Dougie, on Flickr

Due to time constraints we couldn't paddle all of the Marion River. So that means I can't check it off on my list as done. I'll have to go back and complete it for a tick mark.

We then headed back to Lake Eaton to prepare and eat dinner and general camp socializing complete with jokes by the campfire.

The next day we paddled on Blue Mountain Lake to Castle Rock that I described in the previous post.

That was my intro to the Adirondacks and group paddles. I learned a lot and have a better idea of what drives me to paddle and what I hope to get out of a trip. Although I had a lot of fun I think I am best cut out for solo trips. Looking forward to planning one for next year.

I have been visiting the Adirondacks since childhood, maybe before that even!! My list of places to go next grows every year, as does my list of places already seen.
What sort of trip do you plan for next season? One of the classic routes? Or maybe some of the newly available routes?

The recent trip of mine down the Chain Drain was on my list since 1982. Back then, I had young kids and a darling bride that wasn't adventurous enough for a trip, such as would need to be back then.
Flash forward 30 years or so and with the newly acquired lands (formerly Finch Pruyn-Gooley Club) the paddle in is easy as can be.

I've been lucky to grow up and remain planted with the Adirondacks as my backyard...still too many places to see in a lifetime!

So let's hear what's on your list.
Glad you made your trip! I had been wondering if you went or not.

As far as the islands vs shore, I'm no expert but I can't think of a good way to distinguish except getting close enough to see a channel and relying on the map. I've had times where I swore a small peninsula was an island until I paddled right up to it. You were on pretty big water so when you start getting into smaller lakes and ponds it becomes a bit easier and you spend more of your time along the shoreline (which is more fun IMO).

You are truly lucky to have spent so much time exploring. I'm glad you take photos to remember the time and you're kind enough to share them.

I can't really say I currently have a to do list. I guess I have to pour over some maps and would welcome suggestions. I think I'm looking more for a particular feeling than a location. I'll start a trip planning thread as soon as I have a better idea of what I'm looking to accomplish.

Thanks for offering to share your knowledge, I will take you up on it.

Yep, made it and had fun. Was treated to some great weather. I also forgot to mention the stars, OMG the stars!

I had a map, I just have to learn to trust it, and myself, a bit more. Like yourself, I enjoy paddling closer to shore. I tend to paddle lakes counter clockwise with blade closer to shore while taking it all in. I'm always hoping to see wildlife.

Thanks for the tip.

Have you looked at my photos on Picasa? I have a link in my signature...many (not all) of my trips are there, you can get an idea of the places you might want to visit.
I also have about 10x more, that I don't post. If you see anyplace that strikes your fancy, I can supply details...