• Happy National Paranormal Day! 🔮👻👽

Ontario Crown Land shut down

the only conspiracy is the conspiracy of idiots that keep trying to avoid the rules by "gaming" the system. provincial parks were closed to avoid contact and save resources, so people switched to national parks which then had to close for the same reasons, next it was conservation authorities and municipal parks, and that still didn't stop the idiots, followed by a fire ban to prevent firefighter and EMS from being tied up, but still people kept coming, overwhelming small towns and villages and tying up beds in small regional hospitals. The only thing left to do was to shut down crown land too to take away any reason for the idiots to travel there!
Well, it ain't like that up here, nobody wants to come to G Town on a good day. Only time we get an influx is for moose season.
I agree with scoutergriz, people are always trying to find a loophole. i'm not all for new rules and more rules and al of that crap, after all I live in the Yukon where most of us moved up here for less rules lol. But people have to understand what we are going through right now!! Like for Climate change, people don't really get it, or don't care cause they don't want to let go any of there comfort be traveling, buying crap they don't need, or staying home.

Up here right now we are lucky, the chief medical doctor(not sure of the exact title) gave the ok the the XC ski club to keep the grooming going, as long as people are respecting the rules in place, social distancing, skiing alone or with member of a same household, so we are having the best ski ever right now, -10-16c in the morning and plus 1c in the afternoon, 70+km of perfectly groomed trails.... But people can't fall the rules, skiers getting together to go for a ski, pretending they stay 2m away from each others, families meeting for a ski with 4-6 kids.... FOOLS!!

But that is the nature of Human being, GREED, and greed isn't only regarding money or material possessions....

That is good thought, the more people that don't follow directives, the more space we will end up having, less people in the bush and up here is a good thing, for me anyway!

The interesting thing will be what the summer will look like up here, probably 60percent of our economy is tourism, and that ain't happening this summer!!

So far for us only major highway pull outs, territorial and national campground are close and the parks. Crown land is still open!!
But we don't have the same demographic has most cities down south have!!
Stay safe !!
I think it's taken too long for people to fully understand the insidiousness of this virus. The lengthy incubation time and the problem of high asymptomatic numbers means nobody can assume they don't have it. "I feel fine! I must be clear! So no worries!" No. Any of us could be carriers unless we actually test negative. And then what if we catch it the next day? And pass it on... and on...I'm sure the hordes of people crowding public spaces all thought the virus hadn't touched them so then neither should the rules. I hate seeing these public spaces roped off with yellow flagging tape warning folks off to KEEP OUT of all that open green space. Mind boggling but perhaps necessary. It feels like an overreaction, like closing all roads and highways because of a few speeders, except it's not the same. This pandemic is having far reaching deadly serious consequences. We can't be sure who has it and how hard or lightly anyone might be hit by it. I might get the sniffles and you might go on dialysis. Who knows? Let's not find out the hard way.
I don't like being told what to do. And I consider it an affront to lose my civil liberties. But hopefully some sacrifices will be enough to conquer Covid.
I'm not trying to lecture nor am I telling anyone what they should do. Make your own choices. Ever since this went real sideways I decided to stay home and local.
And I shall not be a snitch. Those are a deplorable sign of good intentions gone bad.
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The hits keep coming. The loss of John Prine earlier this week was really difficult news for me and my rejuvenation comes from time in the bush. Can’t even do that now. By the time this comes to pass I’m going to be too fat to get anywhere.
The hits keep coming. The loss of John Prine earlier this week was really difficult news for me and my rejuvenation comes from time in the bush. Can’t even do that now. By the time this comes to pass I’m going to be too fat to get anywhere.
better to be fat than dead!
We are headed the same way in Manitoba I fear. As soon as the locusts discover a place to flock to it is swarmed. We have morons who are insistent on paddling even now.. Its not that they are paddling, its that they leave their home communities to do it and this risks spreading the disease far and wide. Mostly young guys. Crown land is still open here but they may cancel the fishing season soon. The RVing crowd is frantic at the thought of not being able to camp.

I think we should get used to the idea that this will run all summer