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Moose hunting scouting trip

Feb 1, 2013
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Geraldton, Ontario
I had a surprise opportunity to get out yesterday. My canoeing buddy Chainsaw Rob and his nephew were going to check out the magical land of Faubert lake in preparation for our moose hunt later in October. I was supposed to be running a school trip this weekend, but it got cancelled. So at 10 AM Saturday morning I decided I would make the trek to Faubert too.

It’s not an easy drive in; only 160 K but takes the better part of three hours. The last few kilometres are the “proceed with caution” type of thing.

The Kapikotongwa Bridge signals the turn off onto the lesser roads. I sometimes get so used to this area that I forget how far back in the boondocks it is. The scenery is pretty good right now.


When I turned onto the little used road, a sign greeted me that was somewhat worrying.


Two bridges were going to be pulled and the road out of commission starting on Monday. The logging industry is going full speed ahead again, and they are refurbishing the road for another cut.

I found the portage that led down to the little creek around 4:00 PM. Portaging the square stern the two or three hundred meters to the creek reminded me that I wasn’'t dead yet, just sounding like it.


Took about a half hour to motor down the creek. Had to get out and drag over three beaver dams, one that was around three feet high. My buddy had arrived around three, so they already had the tarp up and the firewood cut.


The view from the site is quite nice this time of year. There is a lot of regrowth after a forest fire, most of it being hardwoods, so the colours are great.



Our goal on this trip was to make sure we could still get in for the moose hunt in October. However, we couldn’t just call it a day without catching some of the fat Faubert walleye.



A nice night of drinking and reminiscing unfolded. Woke up to steady rain, and were on the water by 9:30. Going back up the beaver dams was a tad harder than going down, and carrying that square stern back up Purgatory hill to the truck had me re-thinking my packing list for the next trip. Shot three grouse on the way back. Lots of other people up here right now, mostly water hunting with bows or duck hunting. There were several vehicles at the Kap bridge.


Got back home at 2:00 pm, so it was kind of a whirlwind trip, but well worth the effort.

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Nice! Our colors are out but so faded. It has not rained significantly since the beginning of July.. The maples are pink and curling up.
Nice little get away, did you eat those walleyes that evening...wow, heaven, bet they where good. Spam for breakfast or slab bacon? So many options up there, easy to have a quick get away, lucky you.
Yeow, nice looking fish. Nice looking boat. Nice looking lake. Nice looking racks on the truck. Glad you didnt take any selfies, just sayin.
Ha ha, good one! Ya I purposely leave myself out of pics, don't want to wreck the scenery. We decided to leave the square stern at home when we go in for real, going to need the quietness of paddling, so taking the big 20 footer.