Worst deerflies I can remember. Poor Bogan’s snout looked like the USS Arizona at Pearl Harbor. I got his ears and head sprayed with DEET, which helped. At one point, the poor guy laid down and put his paws over his snoot.
Since pausing to fish was not in the cards, we beelined to the takeout. Average pace for the 7.54 mile run was 14:25, which is faster than I could have walked that far on pavement. We finished in 1:48:46. Trip usually takes 3 hours.

Since pausing to fish was not in the cards, we beelined to the takeout. Average pace for the 7.54 mile run was 14:25, which is faster than I could have walked that far on pavement. We finished in 1:48:46. Trip usually takes 3 hours.

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