• Happy "Killer Rabbit" Attacks President Carter in His Paddle Boat (1979)! 🚣🏼‍♂️🐇

An Incomplete Guide to Stereotyping Canoeists

Don't forget Ultralightus titano-carbonum, the ultra-light canoeist. Often seen fretting about shaving ounces while surrounded with costly gear, paddles and boats made from space-age materials. Frequently interbreeds with the closely related ultralight hiker.
Then there is the "bushcrafter".

Travels in a dugout canoe he took seven years to carve out using a handmade stone-headed adz. Adz is also used to shave head.

Constructs a survival shelter out of deadwood, fronds, and twine that he has made by braiding plant fibers together, in order to camp one night on a trip in July.

Spends three hours starting a fire with a stick and bow instead of using the Bic lighter in his pocket that he carries to light his cigars.

Easily identified and tracked by scent because he has not changed his flannel shirt for the last six months.