• Happy National Rocky Road Day! 🪨 🇪 🛣️🍨

Recent content by Joe O'

  1. Joe O'

    Greetings from northwestern Ontario

    Hey everyone, thanks for the warm welcomes. Feels like a real fine place to hang out with like minded folks. Out in the shop now, going to do a little work on a couple canoe paddles before calling it a day. Cheers...
  2. Joe O'

    Canoetripping Woodworkers: Post your scrap wood projects

    No Title Scrap wood projects? Been doing a lot of that lately. Myself, a canoeist for 40 years now, I am also a home based woodworker guy, specialising in....well...paddles of course. So yeah, plenty of scrap wood in the shop. Here is just one of the things I make out of scraps left over from...
  3. Joe O'

    Greetings from northwestern Ontario

    Thanks Robin. And yeah, I'll post something over there in the coming days for sure. Aiming to increase the number of canoe paddles that I make this year. This set of Forums is great. I think I'll be spending a good bit of time here.
  4. Joe O'

    Greetings from northwestern Ontario

    Thanks Moses, I hope you are right. Just turned on the laptop out here in the woodshop jut now. Time to get to work on a couple paddles. Great way to spend a cold winters day. Minus 31 degrees with the windchill. Minus 21 air temperature up here.
  5. Joe O'

    Greetings from northwestern Ontario

    Hey paddlers, just foud this site last night. currently living in Thunder Bay Ontario, originally from Nova Scotia. Have lived all over Canada and have canoed every province except Newfoundland, including a solo 6000 km paddle back in 2004. Also a home based woodworker, mainly building paddles...