• Happy National Paranormal Day! 🔮👻👽

Search results

  1. F

    Into the wild, for good...

    I am a 50 year old man with a lot of life experience and skills and a major case of wanderlust. Seeking a female partner for a lifetime of canoe tripping. Other than visiting family now and then, I don't plan on coming back. Currently on the water and only have intermittent internet access...
  2. F

    Hello, any advice before I go...?

    I am in love. The Krueger Seawing is the boat for me. As someone who put his heart and soul into perfecting a product and achieving world's best status, I could never just copy it. I am going to modify my plan and paddle over to an area where a lot of rich folks live by the water in their...
  3. F

    Hello, any advice before I go...?

    Hello fellow dawn treaders... I find myself in the unique position of being free as a bird, with no responsibilities, and a major case of wanderlust. About 9 days from now I push off for a life long voyage into the unknown. The first leg will be a gear testing, and canoe designing, 8...