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The "I blame Mike McCrea" thread.

I’ve got a few things I can blame on Mike myself, so far all good! Especially thwart bungees.
I have no idea if Mike's actually responsible but I can blame him (I mean, why not, right?)...

I recall some testing of different laminates / layups and that's got me thinking of different weights / fabrics for an upcoming strip build...

Again, I'm unsure if Mike did the testing, or who actually did, but he seems likely and I've gotta blame SOMEBODY for the stupid things I'm contemplating. (I'm thinking it was either him or Alan Gage... 🤷‍♂️) Either way, I'm about to start and, if it turns out to be blatantly stoooopid...

I'll blame Mike.
Is that an Old Town Sockeye?

Yes, see https://www.canoetripping.net/threads/114418/ for the original thread here. It appears to be an 'inside joke' that I'm still trying to figure out. This group usually objects to kayak threads so I'm still not sure why this is so popular. I can probably find the build record if someone wants to provide a serial number.

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This group usually objects to kayak threads so I'm still not sure why this is so popular.

The site's purpose and focus is canoes, not kayaks, but there have always been decked canoes, going as far back as Henry Rushton and John MacGregor and including such famous expedition canoeists as Verlen Kruger. The hull differences may be more mystical than practical, and mostly relate to seating and other outfitting, but there is a small subset of our members that own and paddle/sail decked canoes among their other open canoes.
Traditionally kayaks had the ends lower than the middle while canoes had the ends higher than the middle as the distinguishing design feature. However, this requirement was removed from the International Canoe Federation rules shortly after the Sockeye was designed. I have no issues with discussing kayaks here and own several. There is a long history behind both decked canoes and kayaks. However, the Sockeye was built and sold as a "2-man kayak." See the 1974 catalog page below from when it was first introduced for more details.


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Mike McCrea has had a unique interest in converting and outfitting tandem kayak hulls into decked solo canoes for paddling and sailing. As far as I can recall, we have never otherwise had threads about kayaks here. And won't. An occasional reference to or picture of a kayak may, however, occasionally fit into a discussion.

Because of the dearth of commercial decked whitewater C1 hulls, some whitewater canoeists have converted commercial kayak hulls for use as single blade C1 canoes by removing the kayak seats and installing foam kneeling pedestals and thigh straps. We've never had threads here showing that, as I can recall.

I have often said here, as the USCA does for racing, that the the more relevant distinction is not between canoes and kayaks as hull shapes, but between "canoeing" and "kayaking"—the former connoting single blade paddling and the latter double blade paddling. But that can't be a site rule here because that distinction is highly debatable for recreational paddlers, as opposed to racers, and a not insignificant number of open canoes are paddled with double blades, some or all of the time, including almost all so-called pack canoes. See this poll:

So, in summary, while this site has always been dedicated to canoes and will remain so under my administration, there are inevitable and acceptable historical and practical exceptions for decked canoes and double blade paddles.
Are those bags of cocaine under the bow of the canoe? I seen stuff like dat in duh gangsta movies. Youse stab it then taste it.

So whatcha going to do with it? Sailing rig?
Definitely going to set up for sailing. Im not sure how far into the wind. I have a 1 meter BSD sail that should work for motor sailing.

Seating is a big part of the puzzle. I've never really taken to kayak paddles, so higher seat is required. Simple solution is a Wenonah sliding pedestal bucket seat.
I don't think it's appropriate to publicly speculate about why someone is or is not doing something, or trying to psychoanalyze them. I've had email contacts with Mike McCrea and believe he is okay. What he chooses to do is his business. He is welcome here and he knows that. No one has ever been banned by me, other than a few one-or-two-post commercial spammers. Lots of folks have stopped posting here for who knows what reasons, including me for almost year. Now look where I ended up!

Please limit further discussion to the topic of decked canoes.
Those look an awful lot like kayaks to me..... Here I was considering a Kayak as my next build, didn't know that would result in banishment. What if I'm doing it for my grandson? Is there no sympathy here? Just kidding. this build is going to be a Kipawa.
Resembles a Mad River Monarch
which is not a kayak but a sea canoe
One of the best most versatile designs ever produced.