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Fundraising knife nearing completion. There is still time to enter the raffle.

Oct 12, 2012
Reaction score
Alburnett Iowa
Some may have got here late and I don't want any to miss this opportunity. We are having a fundraiser to fund this site. I am building this knife to be raffled by Robin. Until recently it has been sort of a "pig in a poke". It is "roughed out" far enough to get an idea of the finished product. It still needs to be finished (it will look even better when it is done). For those who don't want to wade through 22 pages of madness, here is a progress picture of the fundraiser knife project that will be given away to a lucky member of this site. The drawing will probably be held sometime soon (Next few weeks). I will put the winner's initials on the leather sheath when I make it and send it to them when completed.

Good luck in the raffle, Dave (Rippy)
What is the last date to send in $? I was away in Texas and just got back. I will send $ via mail to Robin tomorrow. Thanks
What is the last date to send in $? I was away in Texas and just got back. I will send $ via mail to Robin tomorrow. Thanks

We haven't set a deadline yet. The contest was to run the length of the knife build. The knife is nearing completion so I am giving a heads up. There is still time to enter. At some point we will post a cutoff date.
Looks like a couple of weeks till it's ready, so another week via USPS or two weeks via Paypal for donations. I really appreciate Rippy's fine workmanship and his generosity. I have tried to remain low key here only because I didn't want to sound like I was trying to push the fund raiser.
I have to admit, the knife building thread and the "knife finish" thread have been pretty entertaining, the imagination of some folks really made for some funny posts, Thanks.
I plan to hold the drawing for the "Ripster" in my little canoe shop with the aid of one of my Grandchildren and my GoPro. I'm still working out the details, but hopefully it will be entertaining and good luck to everyone who entered.
There will also be a second drawing for another donated item, this will be on the lighter side with a touch of tongue in cheek added to it.
Thanks again to all those who donated and to everyone who helps make this website the enjoyable place it has become.
Very humbling indeed.
Rippy, You did a fine job on MY knife !

In the off chance I don't win MY knife, I'm sure it will end up in good hands !

Should I win the consolation prize, and it's a can of SPAM, I would whole heartedly donate it to Mem, as a Friendly gesture from Iowa to Canada !

This has been a fun thread !

My goodness, that knife is a beauty, the handle matches what's left of my hair perfectly. I look forward to the draw! Jim, I'm still off the Spam, been a couple of weeks now, starting to feel pretty good, but thanks for the offer!
Just sent my 25 (I even remembered to make it U.S.D.) via paypal. Regardless of who wins this beautiful knife, hats off to Robin for all of the work (and money) that he puts into this site. And another big thanks to Rippy for donating his time and workmanship to make such a good looking knife. Hats off to both of you.
Getting tense now. So much tension you can feel it; so much tension you could cut it with a Custom D2 Possehl Special Edition Ripster.
Hey Rippy, my initials are DDD but could you do it in a nice cursive? I promise to eat..choke down..a can of spam cut with that blade when I win! I'll even provide pictures! Of course I'll be swilling down a nice beer with it, Bud, McCrea's favorite! ;-) heck, I'll even drive from NH to MD to hang that on his shop wall! Ain't that incentive for me to win?
Hey Rippy, my initials are DDD but could you do it in a nice cursive? I promise to eat..choke down..a can of spam cut with that blade when I win! I'll even provide pictures! Of course I'll be swilling down a nice beer with it, Bud, McCrea's favorite! ;-) heck, I'll even drive from NH to MD to hang that on his shop wall! Ain't that incentive for me to win?

I don't mean to be rude, but I'd rather he didn't put your initials on the sheath for my new knife. :)
You guys are a good bunch, and I'll be sure to reciprocate with plenty of pictures of the Ripster in use! No battoning though, I will treat that knife like a knife!
How's the hipster diet going mem? From what I hear you're gonna be so weak and slender you're gonna need to hold this knife with both hands. The first task for the knife might be to poke more holes in your belt to cinch it small and tight enough to carry the monster Ripster.
Had a minor setback last night. That darn winter tent. No Klik or spam though, but broke down and had two B-Lites, ad a few ciggy's. Back on the wagon today and just heading out the door to go snowshoeing!
It's looking like the paypal cut off for donations will be next week end, and the USPS cut off any moment now.
Had a minor setback last night. That darn winter tent. No Klik or spam though, but broke down and had two B-Lites, ad a few ciggy's. Back on the wagon today and just heading out the door to go snowshoeing!

Sounds nice. I envy your snowy big back yard. Mild and rainy here. What a difference 12 months makes!
If I'm gonna wear the knife on my hip I'm gonna have to make room. ie Dietary lifestyle changes. You're not the only one trying to behave himself. But instead of going for a romp and stomp in snowshoes I'll have to go for a splash and dash in rubber boots.

It's encouraging so many have donated and entered the knife draw. Best of luck to everyone, and best wishes to Robin and this site.

ps There's always room for more contestants!
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Had a minor setback last night. That darn winter tent. No Klik or spam though, but broke down and had two B-Lites, ad a few ciggy's. Back on the wagon today and just heading out the door to go snowshoeing!

Nice. I had thought of going shoeing last weekend. Its too darn cold out there today though. A nice hike in the bush with the .410 is a percect way to burn off those Blites from last night. Take some hot dogs ( mock rabbit) and a coffee pot, mickey of rum....have a little hard core picnic. If only you had an Elan to get you out there it would be epic.

Not to be captain obvious, but, if you guys are to wear the ripster you will need to embrace the totality of things. No mere belt carry will suffice. That is for the ordinary blade. I envision the ripster in a cross draw shoulder rig or something of that sort. Plus then you dont have to be, well, thin.
