• Happy National Rocky Road Day! 🪨 🇪 🛣️🍨




Got your attention I bet. Some time ago we discussed good coffee while tripping. As one who hates instant and considers coffee grounds garbage which must be carried out,I sought an alternative. I got around to ordering some Christopher Bean liquid coffee concentrate from Amazon. I have tried it at home and it tastes way better than instant with plenty of caffeine kick. You just add a teaspoon or so to a cup of hot water. I am not a coffee expert and am not as fussy as some,but it tastes as good as any I have had. It's what they use in many large coffee dispenser machines. For me, a problem solved.
Yeah, you got my attention. Funny how that works. Are you in advertising?
I'll shop around for that liquid stuff. Thanks Turtle. I do on occasion partake in the jars of instant fake coffee crumbs, but prefer the real deal. The best coffee I've ever had is supplied by a local guy. I think he married a Guatemalan girl. (That ought to be a song title.) He brings up small amounts of beans and roasts them himself. All legit. Incredible coffee. We're getting a little coffee snobbish here at home. Kinda in another coffee bracket, so to speak.
Ah coffee the mystical drink. We used to carry roasted beans in a pocket to chew on in the late afternoon on tough days. Coca leaves are even better.
Simple answer,coffee grounds are garbage,I pack out garbage.
Ahhhh yes. Mem you bad boy...you do exactly what I do with coffee grounds...I chuck em. But we are lucky in that we go to hardly used sites and can get away with that. Which maybe we should not be. Bad example you know. Maybe we can expand this into the ethics of what to pack out and what to dispose on site.

Turtle...you want me to drink vending machine coffee in the bush? I was actually thinking of bringing whole beans at this point. I like my coffee so fresh I have to slap its face. Your solution would be handy on a nasty rainy day though when even boiling water is a chore...you could have a thermos with you to make it from I suppose.

And about those coca leaves......

Apparently coffee grounds are highly sought after for composting. I would think a little hole in the ground burying some coffee grounds would be good for the environment. Now I can see if you are tripping in an area where thousands of people go every year, this solution would be unsatisfactory, as the place would become a virtual coffee plantation. Last place I tripped last August, no one had been through since 1998, ports had to be re-cut, campsites developed, etc, so I didn't worry about my coffee grounds much.

But I totally understand people who truck everything out, and in many circumstances, it's the only way to travel. I guess I draw the line at bringing my poop back out. I wouldn't go to a place where I had to do that. On a wintertripping site, the poop discussion got quite graphic, as one participant described how he would poop inside the tent on a piece of birchbark and then throw it in his wood stove. The best reaction to that little gem was the guy who responded "Remind me not to buy any second hand stoves off you".
Apparently coffee grounds are highly sought after for composting. I would think a little hole in the ground burying some coffee grounds would be good for the environment. Now I can see if you are tripping in an area where thousands of people go every year, this solution would be unsatisfactory, as the place would become a virtual coffee plantation. Last place I tripped last August, no one had been through since 1998, ports had to be re-cut, campsites developed, etc, so I didn't worry about my coffee grounds much.

But I totally understand people who truck everything out, and in many circumstances, it's the only way to travel. I guess I draw the line at bringing my poop back out. I wouldn't go to a place where I had to do that. On a wintertripping site, the poop discussion got quite graphic, as one participant described how he would poop inside the tent on a piece of birchbark and then throw it in his wood stove. The best reaction to that little gem was the guy who responded "Remind me not to buy any second hand stoves off you".

So the desert is out for you. Its got nothing to do with crowds and all to do with what gets deposited on the desert soil stays there . Forever. Cyanobacteria are the basis for forming desert soils. And those same bacteria are not good at handling poop or coffee grounds.
Once on a day trip in the ADKs,I passed an unoccupied campsite where a bear was enthusiastically digging and eating in the fire pit. he ran away when I got closer and I just had to get out to see what he was so fond of. There was a pile of coffee grounds in it. I do camp a lot in marked campsites, so leavings are concentrated in them. I just do the same ethic no matter where I camp. Probably away from them I would not be a problem, but I never know where I will camp. You should try this stuff. My coffee loving friends like it.


I treat it exactly like rhinoceros urine.

I don't drink it. Don't pack it in. Don't pack it out.

That coffee concentrate certainly looks interesting. Our coffee machine at work uses concentrate and I think it makes a decent cuppa joe, I've certainly had worse. And this stuff looks so concentrated it's not like you need to lug around a half gallon of the stuff to make a weeks worth of coffee. Definitely considering some of this stuff.
I like real coffee so I bring an Aero Press, or a small titanium french press. the grind goes in the hot fire.