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Winnebago Paddles Unique Custom Canoe Paddles

Feb 26, 2016
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Hopefully forum admins are okay with this post. This is a small paddle making company that just launched that my friend and I started. We focus on unique paddle designs using exotic wood species. We also like making grip designs you don't always see. We do custom orders and will make something based on the customers ideas. You can see more of our work at our website: www.winnebagopaddles.com

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Those are really nice paddles. Where are you guys located? I am assuming canada but you should tell us so people can do the math with respect to exchange rates and such. Good luck, this is the kind of business we need more of.

Nice intricate patterns on nice looking designs! The prices though seems a bit low... I don't know how much you pay yourself an hour, but it is not much...

Good luck with the business, hope to see some of your work one day and maybe try one on the water!!
Thank you all for the complements! We're located near Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Yeah, we had considered a little higher price range, but we wanted to be competitive with some of the larger companies.

I always like the arrival here of a new paddle or canoe maker or someone who makes useful accessories for tripping. Some may see it as commercial, but I have heard of merely two people in all the history of canoedom who have made a decent living from their efforts. Most canoe craftsmen make a meager living and pay themselves pennies an hour.

I appreciate their input on design as I feel it makes me a more intelligent buyer. I think you can command higher prices as mass marketers don't ( can't) pay as much attention to minute detail..

I have two suggestions. I would like to see blade length as I buy according to shaft length. I can do the math but sight unseen overall length is meaningless. Only the shaft length matters.

Is that 2 lb figure accurate? My handcrafted paddles come in at 19 oz..

I do like the variety of design.. Voyageur style paddles are hard to come by.

Your paddles are reminiscent of Fritz Orr paddles which I coveted until I got to heft one.. the thing must have been three lbs. Lust quickly went away.
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Thanks for the feedback! We've considered carving a little more to achieve a lighter paddle. We're also working on making some multiple cedar species paddles that will definitely be lighter. Some of the more exotic woods can get a bit heavy. Should be easy to add the extra measurements.

Here's a paddle that's in progress right now with 17 different species of wood.


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Stunning lamination patterns. You guys must have a huge supply of glue and clamps. Good luck with the business!
I really appreciated sharing some of my work with people that can appreciate it when I posted a couple months ago. I thought I'd post an update of some of our recent work. Thanks for looking!

Cool... Done!!
Thank you for the chance of getting one of your paddles!!
Stunning work. I have never owned a paddle good enough to think it's too nice to dip in the water, but I see some there for sure! This level of wood art qualifies as 'paddle porn' in my book...
So if I don't do Fakebook, Pinterest or Twitter? Tried a different browser, not that I know what a widget is anyway...