Thanks for those links Brad, having spent alot of my youthful summers in Coden, Ontario, the Ottawa Valley is near and dear and I will enjoy exploring the Ottawa Valley website.
I have a Collins hatchet, they had their factory not to far from here, just across the street from Collinsville Canoe (Swift). I read this on their website you supplied
Collins would eventually feel the pressure of the mighty chainsaw and overseas competition"
Maybe Heikki's great great great great Grandfather had something to do with their demise
Haha, Just kidding with ya Heikki, I'm glad you got alot of exposer, 1500 views is pretty good, not sure it will make your ax sales go threw the roof (improve) but it's been fun and passed some time for us.
No problems at all. 1500 is better than none. Thank you all very much. It's anyway up to the individual person if he/she wants to follow the development.
By knowing and looking at the links above, all the axes are symmetrical wedges. In fact Vipukirves/Leveraxe is the very first "axe" that uses leverage. This is the first time in the history when this kind of splitting tool is in commercial production and available for everybody.
The problems which have followed during the ages the conventional axes and mauls have now removed.
Talking about friction, the biggest resistance in firewood splitting with the conventional axes and mauls, is now nearly fully eliminated.
There has been numerous attempts to get rid of that nuisance, as covering the surface of the blade with Teflon or something else. Then again there has been the situation, that the blade has been so slippery that it has gone all the way through the block continuing it's way to the users foot. There happens all the time this kind of accidents all around the world. My opinion is, that even one is too many.
First time in the history there are safety elements build in to the blade of the Vipukirves/Leveraxe. It has been on the market over eight years. There has happened NO ACCIDENT.
I have so much to tell you about the details, but I think it's better to proceed little by little.
On the best day I have had nearly 50.000, fifty thousand visitors in my websites. I am very happy for that, because this way people get to know about the more effective, safer, and enjoyable way to split their firewood easier than ever before. Thank you for reading this.
I have sold out my stock. Next deliveries will be at the end of March.
I will take a two weeks well earned holiday starting tomorrow.
Best regards
Heikki, born 1940
PS. Anybody can split the wood like this provided that he/she is using the Vipukirves/Leveraxe