• Happy National Rocky Road Day! 🪨 🇪 🛣️🍨

Video: The Only Way

Bare foot over a Beaver Dam ! You're a better man than I !
Loved it on this early Sunday morning !

Thanks !

Beautiful area to paddle in but what I'm truly jealous of is your ability to kneel on both knees. I'm 65 and haven't been able to do that since my first knee reconstruction when I was 17. Maybe I should have taken everyone's advice and stuck with canoeing instead of adding football & lacrosse (LOL) to my list of "fun" things to do!

That's all for now. Thanks for the video and until next time....be well.

Jim Dodd Admittedly, that was the softest one I ever stepped over. Thanks!

larry Thanks for watching!

snapper I just do it for stability, it's not that comfortable, so I'm usually kneeling on a folded towel. I imagine a canoe with the foot rests and floor mounted seat with back support might be just as stable and maybe more comfortable for the long paddling days. What do you do to keep your canoe stable?

Ken_C Thanks for tagging along!
GRS Riverrider - Once I realized I was no longer able to be down on both knees, I started sitting on the seat. Many of my tandem canoes have tractor seats so they keep you firmly in place; no sliding from side to side and my center of gravity is low enough that stability isn't an issue.

I now paddle a solo canoe almost exclusively. I picked the canoe up from Conk and he was kind enough to include all the various drops and hardware. I initially used the drops that put me lowest in the canoe (for sitting) but another issue I have with my knee is it can't be higher than my hips for any extended period of time without my having issues getting up (man it sucks to get old).

What I tried after that was installing the drops used for kneeling. Since they cant forward I park my butt on the edge of the seat and kneel on my left knee while extending my right leg; the one with the "new" knee. Thankfully I can paddle in this position for a long time without any issues. When I do begin to have some discomfort I pop onto the seat and paddle from there, dropping back down when I feel better. I also added a foot brace (probably sacrilege and Conk may come and take his boat back!) which helps when I'm in the seated position. Thankfully it's never in the way when I'm kneeling.

The other benefit to the foot brace is it gives my dog a place to lay her head when she's lying in the boat. A true "win-win" for both of us.

That's all for now. Take care, happy paddling and until next time....be well.
