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The Big Four, Northrup and two nice erratics (Adirondacks)

Oct 5, 2012
Reaction score
Genesee Valley, Western NY
I prepared for a return to the West Canada Wilderness with hours of map study and by reading the journals of early 20[SUP]th[/SUP] century adventurers Bob Gillespie and Harvey Dunham. I wanted to spend time around the big four, West, South, Mud and Brooktrout Lakes. I also had an itch to visit tiny Northrup and explore the headwaters of the Indian River. Satellite imagery revealed a pair of large glacial erratics in the vicinity, because they were discernable from outer space, I added the big rocks to my list of things to visit.

I would enter the area via the Old Military Road and pond hop my way to the interior using Pillsbury and Cedar Lakes. Mud Creek is navigable south of its intersect with the Northville Placid Trail which will put you in Mud Lake, where short carries lead to the other members of the big four.

Conk, sometimes pictures are worth thousands of words. I too like country with, as Gimli said, Good bones.

That is quite the varied diet clump of bear crap. I have questions though. What is that (apparently) slatted thing below the tarp at Brooktrout camp? Sleeping pad or some new platformy thing?

I freaking hate helium Mylar balloons. I am not much for regulations and restrictions, but those damnable things should be outlawed.
What is that (apparently) slatted thing below the tarp at Brooktrout camp? Sleeping pad or some new platformy thing?

While I feel that, the new PFD's are highly superior to the old school white water vest of old for safety and life saving potential. My go to PFD for a pond hopping adventure is a chambered minicel vest from Seda. It is lighter, easier to carry and multi functional, I sit on it, can sleep on it, will wear it for warmth and stand on it during late night urinations.
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I . . . . .stand on it during late night urinations.

Try not to dribble.

I would not have guessed PFD. We had some Harishoks of similar design which were long our multifunctional PFD preference.
I prepared for a return to the West Canada Wilderness with hours of map study and by reading the journals of early 20[SUP]th[/SUP] century adventurers Bob Gillespie and Harvey Dunham. I wanted to spend time around the big four, West, South, Mud and Brooktrout Lakes. I also had an itch to visit tiny Northrup and explore the headwaters of the Indian River. Satellite imagery revealed a pair of large glacial erratics in the vicinity, because they were discernable from outer space, I added the big rocks to my list of things to visit.

I would enter the area via the Old Military Road and pond hop my way to the interior using Pillsbury and Cedar Lakes. Mud Creek is navigable south of its intersect with the Northville Placid Trail which will put you in Mud Lake, where short carries lead to the other members of the big four.


If your trip report is posted on another forum, please let me know. I cannot access facebook. Thanks, Erica
Erica - Warning....a bit of a thread drift here.

I'm the one who mentioned that Conk posted the report on another forum. Unfortunately, when I went looking for it, I found it was posted via his Facebook page on that forum as well.

For what it's worth, many years ago a friend created a Facebook page for me so I could see some photos he posted. While the photos weren't worth the look, I've kept the page just so I can check out trip reports such as this one. If you go to my page you'll find it's pretty much empty; and that's how I plan on keeping it. That being said, it does give me access to lots of information I might not otherwise have. Since it doesn't cost me anything, I just use it to read stuff I'm interested in. I'll leave it up to you (and others) to decide if having a page is worth it or not but honestly, it hasn't been an issue for me.

That's all for now. Take care and until next time....be well.

For what it's worth, many years ago a friend created a Facebook page for me so I could see some photos he posted. While the photos weren't worth the look, I've kept the page just so I can check out trip reports such as this one. If you go to my page you'll find it's pretty much empty; and that's how I plan on keeping it. That being said, it does give me access to lots of information I might not otherwise have. Since it doesn't cost me anything, I just use it to read stuff I'm interested in. I'll leave it up to you (and others) to decide if having a page is worth it or not but honestly, it hasn't been an issue for me.

Also FWIW, I am not on Facebook, and have no idea how it works. A few years ago a friend logged onto his Facebook account on my shop computer and, I dunno, never logged out?

Ever since then I have been able to see Conks trip report photos.

I presume I could go on his Facebook page and post weird things supposedly from him, but when I click on his link I can catch up on what he has been doing of late, and check out mutual friends paddling activities.

I like Snappers essentially blank Facebook page methodology.