• Happy Insect Repellant Awareness Day! 🚫🦟🐜🪲🕷️👎🏻

Thanks for the Donations

Jun 12, 2012
Reaction score
Appleton, Maine
Thanks to all that donated to help keep the site up and running. There is enough in the kitty to pay for the hosting fee's for 2 years, maybe 3, and money left over for the IT guys services.

Thank You all for your active participation also, some really nice tripping stuff going on here these days. I for one enjoy reading the new posts every day, they sure help pass the cold till the northern paddling season comes around again.
For you folks who get to paddle down south this time of year, enjoy!

Thanks Again.
I have always done "new posts" which is why I missed it. Though it should have showed up as a new post right? There doesn't seem to be a post in that section.
Not to worry, I was told and I agree, my fund raising campaign was somewhat awkward. In spite of that, $650 was raised. In my Thank You notes, I mentioned to some how hard it must be to send money to someone you have never met, over the internet, in this day and age. I am truly amazed, and I will use this money wisely to keep this site running and running well.The rest is up to all of us, interesting posts and friendly atmosphere.Thank You, no more donations are needed.
Speaking of $$ and the internet age...We go back to Montreal nearly every year, to visit old friends, walk pretty old streets in pretty old neighbourhoods...
When we go, we stay at a favourite B&B we found years ago. We've gotten to know them well enough, we trade family photos, and even Christmas cards. Imagine, in this day and age! Anyway, just last month we received an urgent e-mail from them HELP! It seems they're trapped in the Ukraine, and need cash $$ urgently. When we dug a little deeper, it seems this message was sent from their Facebook account to an unshared list of other friends like us (we're not on FB, but on their business e-mail contact list). I came oh so close to sending a stupid amount of money, to bail our friends out of a bad situation! We didn't respond via e-mail, who knows what Eastern bloc mafia types are capable of (care to share me dude?)? My wife is afraid to pick up the phone to place a call. I just hope they're not sitting in a cell somewhere, eating borscht, smoking foul cigarettes, and planning to put us in the linen closet for our next B&B stay. Hackers can do nasty things to many good people. I'm thankful you have a good IT guy Robin.
PS I'm happy the donation drive went well. When this site had to be shut down for a time, I felt the cold shock of reality telling me "Don't ever take the good stuff for granted". Thanks Robin.
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Well Robin, It's true; you're not slick and polished. You'll never make a snake oil salesman. But when this site was circling the drain you alone saved it. And you have given us a year carried on your shoulders and now it's right and well met that we should start to contribute as well.

I am grateful for all of the folks here; probably we will never meet, but the warm sense of community and friendship I find here is beyond words.

And Robin; you can side step as much as you like, modest varmint that you are, but you are responsible for giving more that you can possibly realize.

One friend among many,
