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Spammer - Demarcus111



I banned Demarcus111 this morning as a suspected spammer. I have been out of town the past couple of days. I apologize for allowing him to carry on for so long; but I am reassured by the number of you who contacted me about what was going on. THANK YOU! One thing I had not considered was the security of the site. Somehow it never occurred to me that he could do anything more than to post something that could be removed later. My eyes have been opened and I will make arrangements for this forum to be monitored daily if I am away in the future. Thanks again for caring enough about this forum to protect it!
Thank you! We do have an ignore function here so we could ignore him..meanwhile the playgroup kind of took care of him on its own terms. I do notice that individual profiles can be accessed without logging in. If there were a way that would not happen, we might be comfortable writing more in Profiles.
I think this is one of those "all's well that end's well" things. To be honest, I think we enjoyed beating up on him, I know I did. Are we sure he came from Australia? I watched "Crocodile Dundee" so I know all about the place and nobody talked like that there.

About the site: after I sign in and start making a post, when I go to "go advanced" it requires me to sign in again, then if I take any time at all it will require signing in yet again. Is this some kind of built in delay to see if you really want to post something as foolish as all that? So far it hasn't helped in my case.

Best Wishes, Rob
I will check into the profile security. I agree; that needs to be fixed.

I too watched Crocodile Dundee and I believe you are right. Still, I remember talking to people who attended the olympic games there thinking that they would have no problem communicating with the locals. They found; due to the slang used; yet another country of which we are separated by a common language.

The 'time out' on the advanced post does not seem right to me since you are already signed in to your account. I'll check on that too. Thanks again to everyone who got involved.
Darn it, I must have missed all the fun. I had a really busy work week and didn't check in very often.
Did a little searching and got caught up, but if you get the feeling that I missed something, please share me dude???????????????:):):):):):):)