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Site Logo and Photo

Glenn MacGrady

Staff member
Oct 24, 2012
Reaction score
Well, well, we are greeted today by another new logo and photo. Very different. I've been contemplating it.

I like it. The stark and misty simplicity of the whites and grays in the photo go well with the simple white and gray pages of the new site design. The integration of a dominant solo paddler in the foreground and a small tandem canoe into the logo is very clever and captures both types of traditional canoe tripping. The silhouette figures are perhaps more aesthetic, poetic and ethereal than razor sharp pictures of canoes and paddlers. And it's the aesthetic, poetic and ethereal nature of canoeing that appeals to me more than details.

"A Place for Open Canoes" is also simple and to the point. It's consistent with my interest, but I personally hope it doesn't deter visits from decked boaters who want to post trip reports or discuss equipment, camping, or general BS here.

That leaves the yellow color of the logo. It "shouts" somewhat in the white-gray-black surroundings, but that is useful to focus attention. It is the color of my first canoe, my three kayaks, and my 95 Mustang convertible.

I can't place the water body in the photo. It might be a salt marsh in Sweden.
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For some reason all I got is a horizontal 2" strip of the picture and no logo. I thought it was do to the site being under contruction but maybe it's some site setting I have to change in my preferences. Can any one help on this? Dave
Rippy, I can't answer your question, but it sounds like something in your computer. Here is the logo and picture. Can you see them in this post?

Good comments, Glenn. While reading them it suddenly struck me - a place where I can get away from the buzzing, swarming hordes of kayaks? Yes! Ahhhh......
I like the picture as well. It looks like a place and time I'd like to be. It seems a fitting scene for a place where you'd want canoeist to be.
It does look good, although I think any picture with a tilted horizon belongs in a Recycle Bin.

I guess the saying is true. You can't make everyone happy all of the time.

Myself. I think picture banner looks just fine. But hey, that's just me.
Playing around in Picasa, I straightened the horizon and sharpened the photo, but it has to be done on the original before the logo is applied.


I originally didn't notice the topo map background. I think that's very creative and like it.
Rippy, I can't answer your question, but it sounds like something in your computer. Here is the logo and picture. Can you see them in this post?


It's my fault I guess. My bifocals don't work for me on the computer. When on the internet I take them off and expand the type font by pushing control and the + button at once . The picture is expanded so that all I see is the head of the paddler in the far right corner and canoe tripping in the left. I can make it smaller when I want to see the whole picture. I should have realized this but what through me was the narrow strip format.
I believe this picture was taken on Ishnapee Lake, which is Cree for "lake that flows uphill"....

A correction has been made and will be installed this week. I was so happy with the logo and the nice picture, I never even noticed the tilt till after it was in place. I do like the Topo behind the page also. I tried to get the words Canada and United States showing just to make a statement, but that's way above my skill level. This is a Canadian topo though, so that works for me.
Eventually, the plan is to make the site more colorful, but first we need to correct some issues regarding the new upgrade.

Thanks Again for your patience.
I like the banner picture. My former wife is an artist and graphic designer who likes to set certain pictures at a slight to moderate tilt. It adds movement to what could be an otherwise static image. She says it has to be done judiciously to prevent the disconnect from being too jarring. I think this one was done well.
Sooo.. no decked canoes?? Do those of us that swing that way too need our own website? Should I edit out some FL and Superior trips..? At least I don't have to worry about writing a TR re our upcoming three weeks on Superior!

Why open canoe?:eek: Big water still may call for canoe but closed is better.
Sooo.. no decked canoes?? Do those of us that swing that way too need our own website? Should I edit out some FL and Superior trips..? At least I don't have to worry about writing a TR re our upcoming three weeks on Superior!

Why open canoe?:eek: Big water still may call for canoe but closed is better.

Don't worry. That's just a contraction of the official site slogan, which was shortened to fit under the logo. The official slogan is:

"A place for [anyone who likes to paddle] open canoes [and who likes to pick nits or otherwise be persnickety]."
I like the new header picture! It looks great.

The topo map background is great also. This forum is much better than some of the forums I have been on as far as usability goes.
Thanks to Tripper for the header picture and logo, it really turned out well and I appreciate his efforts. Thanks to Memaquay for providing the picture in the logo, I have always liked it and glad that it fit into Tripper's ideas.

As far as the line in the logo "A Place for Open Canoes" goes, that stays. I had originally used that line on the now defunct opening page of the website to make it perfectly clear that this is a canoe website and not a canoe/kayak website. I needed something short and to the point. I never gave much thought to decked canoes, I have never even seen one in person. I figured the open canoe line was fine. So that's it, it's "open canoe" in the logo, it needs to be there to quickly and clearly define the site to visitors. If your a decked canoe person and this rubs you the wrong way, you have to either live with it, move on or just shake your head and smile and wonder why this guy even has to comment on things like this.