• Happy National Rocky Road Day! 🪨 🇪 🛣️🍨




I have been looking for a new hunting spot that I can access via canoe. I don't want your spot but do you know where a solo hunter can go that will be out of your way and maybe indirectly help your hunt. The hunt is really secondary, I am a camper that likes to hunt rather than a hunter who camps. I would be much obliged. Geo
Re: Searching

I can think of a couple possibilities. What part of the world are you planning to hunt in?
Re: Searching

What type of hunting? Waterfowl, Deer, small game? Bow or Firearms? Hunt from the canoe or just use the canoe to set up a camp?
Re: Searching

My apologies, I didn't realize that this was an international site, I thought it was exclusive to the NY Adirondacks.
Re: Searching

[quote author="geogymn"]My apologies, I didn't realize that this was an international site, I thought it was exclusive to the NY Adirondacks.[/quote]

It is inclusive of the world. We are based in the USA but welcome everyone who uses canoes in the wilderness.

If you are primarily interested in the Adirondacks I saw a lot of sign and several deer when I did the Lila Traverse last year. The ones I saw were on the shores of Shingle Shanty Brook near Lake Lila. I saw deer and bear sign near Little Salmon lake. I saw deer and moose sign on the portage between Rock and Hardigan Ponds.

If you have the time the Whitney Wilderness is definitely worth scouting.