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Reservations made for Algonquin 2016

Feb 28, 2015
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Battle Creek, MI
Just completed the online reservation for a 5 night trip to Algonquin this summer. Its going to be much more relaxing than last summers, comparatively speaking, marathon trip. We're putting in on Rain Lk staying 2 nights on Jubilee, 2 nights on Islet, one night back on Rain then back to the take out with no portages on take out day. :) Hopefully it will be good picture taking weather... fingers crossed. Pretty excited right now.
Sounds like an awesome trip. I just put in for my passport so I can start heading over the border.
It's a good feeling to get the ball rolling on a future trip. Planning is half the fun. I got my sights set on Laverendrye, Quebec sometime in August:D
Headed to Algonquin in just under 2 months for a 7 day trip. I'm headed to Canada today to pick up my step daughter studying up in Guelph, Ont unfortunately w/o a canoe.
Congrats Red! (You take good pics regardless of the weather.) Sounds like a nice quiet laid back trip.
Planning is so fun.. But my trips this year are going to be repeats... July Lake Superior Provincial Park. August the Allagash Next week the Buffalo.. Like Red I can't wait to get some good pics.. The last ones I have of the Buffalo are average.
It's a good feeling to get the ball rolling on a future trip. Planning is half the fun. I got my sights set on Laverendrye, Quebec sometime in August:D
I love the planning too, even though I know the route I'll still look a the map a thousand more times before the trip.

Headed to Algonquin in just under 2 months for a 7 day trip. I'm headed to Canada today to pick up my step daughter studying up in Guelph, Ont unfortunately w/o a canoe.
Nice, what area will you be tripping in?

Congrats Red! (You take good pics regardless of the weather.) Sounds like a nice quiet laid back trip.
Thanks Odyssey, I'm looking forward to just hanging around doing "camp" stuff, relaxing and playing with my camera.

Planning is so fun.. But my trips this year are going to be repeats... July Lake Superior Provincial Park. August the Allagash Next week the Buffalo.. Like Red I can't wait to get some good pics.. The last ones I have of the Buffalo are average.
Do you travel on the interior lake of LSPP or out on the big water? I've been up there a few times on backpacking trips but no canoe trips, even got engaged in that park. :)
Out on the lake. I have the time to go with the flow and stay ashore if it's not safe. But in six weeks on the lake I have had a handful only of poor days.
I knew if I typed Algonquin in the search bar something would pop up. Thanks. I have to drop my daughter off in Ohio mid August and thought about Upper Michigan or Algonquin. Living in NY would make it easier to go to Algonquin. I might end up looking at joining an outfitter since it's all new to me. Any info you can offer would be appreciated.
I'm looking around mid/late August after dropping off my daughter. Just spent an hour reading reports. Also looked at "Jeff's"
Maps. Suggestions for maps? Might be silly of me but I want to figure this trip out. Don't really want to go solo either. I will ask a few AMC groups if people are going this summer. Also thought that NY is my ending then should I just drive to the Southern section and hang out there? I will also ask my local paddle group, maybe others have already gone and can share ideas. I do like your map, thanks for sharing.
coldfeet Last summer my buddy met us in Algonquin from NY, I think its sort of a half way point for both of us, a pretty full days drive. For maps I used both a Jeff's and a Chrismar. A little more detail on the Chrismar and a little more info on the Jeff's, it was good to have both. Jeff's website is great for planning.
If you have any degree of outdoorsman in you I think you'd be fine with an unguided trip in Algonquin especially in high season when you plan to be out there, there will be plenty of folks that can help you out if you get turned around or something. If you have any specific questions feel free to ask, I'm no expert but I'll help if I can.
Thanks Red, I have some experience and the gear but only went solo once and found it to be a little boring. Guess I have been surrounded by millions of people my whole life in the big city that it's weird not seeing someone or talking to a friend. But I truly believe that it's time for me to experience something solo since I continue to encourage my children to "not wait for friends and go" Wife wasn't happy I told our son that on his way to Europe.
I portaged a Hornbeck pack boat (18 lbs) last year for 1- 1 1/2 miles last year with lightweight gear and took my time to the destination,easier coming back, not to sure why but I think my carry system was much better. I'm psyched and wanna play with the Big Boys, and Girls! Will ask for some paddle ideas soon, thank you.
Sweeper, just curious, how many miles of paddling and portages is that trip? Tough for me to see. Thanks
And I am ready to listen to some suggestions. Here's the idea as not to overdo it.

5-7 days which includes bad weather "chill" day.
I don't mind staying at a site for consecutive nights and going out in different directions.
Guessing a few portages (I know that's a tough remark)
Loop would be nice.
I'm driving from Toronto so I'm guessing the Western section, not going to the Northern (just yet)
You can PM me if it's easier or I can send my email Thanks CF

I'm waiting to hear from algonquinBob from NY when he comes back in a few days (adkforum)
We did add any 'Chill Days', if we get caught in a storm there are a couple of short cuts from the larger lake in the southern part of the trip.

everything is km or meters

sounds like a nice relaxing trip, my season opener trip has been to the rain lake area for the past few years -- one of my more favourite access-points for weekend trips it turns out -- the weed/wee/way chain is a nice little hop and McCraney is pretty sparsely used for its size, being surrounded by 'low maintenance' portages and that one-miler in from rain. clara is a real jem, but don't tell anyone...
Column A is the distance by legs from Jeff's Maps with a green total for the day.

The purple is that same total distance for the day but broken into distance paddled and distance carried. Column C - Column F

The orange is the same but the carry distance reflects the total distance of a double carry.

​It was a long winter.
sounds like a nice relaxing trip, my season opener trip has been to the rain lake area for the past few years -- one of my more favourite access-points for weekend trips it turns out -- the weed/wee/way chain is a nice little hop and McCraney is pretty sparsely used for its size, being surrounded by 'low maintenance' portages and that one-miler in from rain. clara is a real jem, but don't tell anyone...
Thanks tump-lion, its reassuring to hear Rain is a decent place to put in, with some nice places near by.