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Reservations in the Tetons!

Sep 1, 2012
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Northwest Wyoming
I finally got organized enough to pick some dates and make reservations to canoe and backcountry camp in the Tetons! I almost waited too long, as there were only two sites on Leigh Lake, in the Tetons, for the dates I settled on. I took two nights on each of the sites at the base of, hmm, Mount Something. Maybe Mount Moran. The other sites on the lake either were already reserved or couldn't be reserved. I decided I'd try them both and just do my best to enjoy. For those who have been there before, I got two nights at site 14A, and two nights at 16. One site, don't remember which, was supposed to be "small." At the moment, it's only me, so I imagine small is plenty big. I have a couple of friends to ask, though.

Has anybody been at either of those sites? Most every site I've been to in the Tetons has been gorgeous, are these, too? :) Any words of wisdom about either site? Would a good day paddle be to paddle over to the trail to Bear Lake and Trapper Lake and explore those areas? As you can tell, I'm excited, and I promise to let you all know how it went. Now I just have to wait until July... .

Sounds like a good trip. Those are both nice campsites, but don't remember which is which in my mind. We camped at Spalding bay on Jackson Lake for a number of nights last October and did a day paddle over to Bearpaw lake and Leigh Lake from the Bearpaw Bay campsite on Jackson Lake. There's a nice portage trail connecting that campsite on Jackson Lake and the furthest north campsite on Bearpaw Lake. I don't think it shows on the map, but the trail is to the east of the creek. A good way to expand the paddling opportunities.

I've stayed at both--they're all good (as if you have a choice!). 14s are back in the trees a bit, and 16 is more on the lake as I recall. Leigh Lake can be bad with bugs, so be prepared. Winds can be a problem, especially in the afternoon as they can come down from Moran Canyon. I've portaged to Bearpaw and Trapper Lake (and on to Jackson Lake). They're very small lakes, and not really worth canoeing. I paddled them on a circuit from Jenny Lake to Moose via Jackson Lake and the Snake River (a heck of a fun paddle!). In calm conditions, Spalding Bay is a nice put in. I think I mentioned Two Ocean Lake before--nice place for a day trip, and is calmer and wilder than, say, Jenny Lake. Paddling up Jackson Lake from Lizard Creek Campground (near Yellowstone) is nice if it's calm. I've paddled parts of Jackson Lake with mirror-smooth conditions, but then I've been spooked out there in a 17 foot Boston Whaler with a 90hp outboard too. You just have to pick your conditions.
Agree with Mason - definitely hit Two Ocean. And spend a sunrise in the Oxbow. The sites you couldn't get are kept open for walk-ins. All the sites on that side of the lake are good, you're going to love 'em.
Two Ocean is now on my list, but it's a looooong (very happy) list! I'm checking things off one little bit at a time. I also hope (HOPE!!!) to get a few nights in the Bechler region of Yellowstone this summer--hiking, not canoeing. I'm incredibly excited about this. I didn't realize how excited I was until I got the reservations and realized it was going to happen!!!!

I'm used to watching lake conditions. I used to hike beside Lake Superior. I was only brave enough to paddle on it a scant few times. She tends to be "moody." I remember so manny October backpacking trips where the evening was spent with a cup of tea, watching the lake pound the shore. in fact, it wasn't just watching, you could feel it. And, the lake would ROAR. You could hear her from half, to three quarters of a mile. In the morning, she was usually still, with only little lapping noises. Geeze I miss her.

But I get to camp on Leigh Lake!!!!!!! At the base of a huge mountain!

I'll keep you posted!
Oh, and about the bugs. I have an Original Bug Shirt and pants. Those saved me in the Arctic. I trust they will save me in the Tetons, as well. Thanks for the warning.
We only did as day trip from String Lake to Leigh Lake, but it was gorgeous. The afternoon wind coming down from Leigh Canyon was pretty fierce and set up some big waves, but with the low profile of the Malecite we were able to ferry across without much trouble. Would have been impossible in the Prospector. Once across the mouth of the canyon, we were out of the wind.

Two Oceans was nice, but no camping there. BTW - bears will be an issue at either, of course.

I'm jealous. Don't know if I'll get to do any paddling there this year.
I hope to paddle early and avoid the wind. The rest of the time, if it appears windy and I can't just go out and bob, I hope to sit in my camp chair and read a book and drool at the scenery. I respect bears a lot, and take all the necessary precautions. I've never had a problem. I keep my fingers crossed, too. :)
I have camped on Leigh Lake a few times. My favorite site is on the east shore. Sorry can't remember the number, but it has a beautiful white sand beach that I liked much better than the wooded sites (use Google Earth to check out the sites). Use the bear boxes for anything that smells. Also, my advice would be to paddle the Snake River while there. the section from Jackson Lake to Moose is one of my favorite paddles in the west. Simply amazing looking at the Tetons springing up from a normal fault without any foot hills.
I am almost100% sure both my sites are on the West side. That's what I could get reservations for. Maybe, I might ask if another site is open for one of my nights, and I could trade. I just want to enjoy! I will use bear boxes if they have them, hang food if necessary, or I have a Ursack I could use. I'm so excited about doing this!
The east side has a trail and gets hikers. The west side is accessible only by boat--I wouldn't change.
The east side has a trail and gets hikers. The west side is accessible only by boat--I wouldn't change.

Agree wholeheartedly. I haven't used the eastern sites for many years but I seem to recall they are, or at least one is a group site.