• Happy National Rocky Road Day! 🪨 🇪 🛣️🍨

Rain please!

Jan 31, 2013
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Warren, Manitoba
Can someone please send us some rain! April was the driest in 30 years. Still have snow in shady spots and much ice, but the fires have begun. No rain in the forecast for another week. Back country travel and fire bans in place already.

Thank you
https://flic.kr/p/25G3SBW bhttps://www.flickr.com/photos/133956285@N05/,

I wish I could send you some of ours. The rain came with thunder and lightning. We had a 6 hour power outage last night starting around midnight. Unfortunately, the sump needs pumped every 5 minutes. I had to go and hook up the inverter to the car and run an extension cord to the sump pump. Didn't get much sleep after that. I hope the fires aren't going to be bad in your neck of the woods this year.
Seems like the weather is getting more extreme with way too many records being set. Mihun09 has driest April in 30 years. Ours was coldest April ever recorded. December was also coldest ever. 4 days ago we tied the record for coldest temp for that day. Then it popped up into the mid80s...from 20 degrees F below normal to 20 above normal.

SW Michigan got same storm as sweetfancymoses. The local rivers were still high after the floods from 2 months ago even before the heavy rain last night.
We just got bumped up on restrictions. Still no rain and nothing in the forecast through next Tuesday.

This is for Nopoming PP and South Atikaki WP including Wallace Lake.
Restrictions:Burning Permit Cancellation Level 2 Fire and Travel Restriction
Specific Restrictions:Burning Permits: Existing Burning Permits are cancelled. No new burning permits will be issued until conditions improve. Public, permanent residents, cottagers: Motorized back country travel including forestry roads, private roads and trails prohibited. No restriction for motorized access for cottagers on maintained park, municipal, or subdivision roads. Back country travel requires a travel permit.
Camping: Permitted in developed campgrounds only. Wayside parks are open. Campfires in approved pits only between hours of 8pm and 8am.
Canoes/Boating/Aircraft: Landing and launching restricted to developed shorelines only. Backcountry travel requires a travel permit.
Outfitters and Commercial Operations: Motorized back country travel prohibited. Access may be authorized under a travel permit issued at the discretion of the local Conservation Officer.
Bummer.. Because the leaves aren't out on the trees and the duff is tinder dry we also have fire bans but not as extreme as yours.. Several small wildfires all human set. We've had some rain
Yet neighboring New Brunswick has flood emergencies. The city of St John has evac shelters.
The good news is...no flooding...yeaaaayy. Looks like not much canoeing this year...we do have a backup plan though. I got a fishing boat. Adapt persevere overcome. I fear it may be a looooong summer. I like fall trips anyway.

Thanks a bunch Christine.

Heading off for NE Pennsylvania tomorrow. It looks like we will get there in time to on Friday set up the giant RiverWing tarp, and a directional tarp end cap for shelter in the windblown rain and thunderstorms on Saturday and Sunday.

Please be more specific about the location of your Rain Please requests.
Sure, sure Mike, rub it in.

And just for sh*ts and giggles it was -7C this morning.
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It did finally rain last week, a solid day and a half which resulted in more restrictions, like Atikaki now has a travel restriction although it does not include canoes yet.

This coming week is temps well above normal. Low 30's C all week. Meanwhile, the upper half of the big lakes are still frozen.


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Trying to send you some. It has been raining every day and will rain every day for two weeks.
Kinda miserable today when it snowed and sleeted
winds to 70 kph
with love from Selfoss
Rain rain come our way. The Berens River should be off anyones trip list for this year, it runs through this 25,000 hectare fire.


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Rain rain come our way. The Berens River should be off anyones trip list for this year, it runs through this 25,000 hectare fire.

Dammit Karin, what did I say about rain chants.

It has rained, I dunno, maybe 20 days out of the last three weeks.

The residents of Ellicott City got flooded again on Saturday when the Patapsco and tributaries rose 17 feet in two hours.

Again. In 2006 they had a similar Thousand Year Flood that devastated the town. This time was as bad, or worse.


This is what happens when A, climate and weather patterns change.

And B, developers fill steep valley sides with roofs and roads and parking lots and other impermeable surfaces.

Ellicott City is cool little town. And doomed.
Isn't Alberto tracking towards you Mike?

Our rain last week was enough to remove the travel restrictions for now although there ain't much water to float a canoe on.
You talkin' about rain? Why, I recollect one time during the Wye Island Regatta when some hurricane snuck up on us and half-filled our boat in 20 minutes. Lucky we had plenty of beer in the cooler to keep up our spirits!
I think Alberto is going to Ontario
Elkicott City seems done. I believe several dead
meanwhile it is beautiful. 75 and sunny northern Iceland
just have to hope the six active volcanoes behave
You talkin' about rain? Why, I recollect one time during the Wye Island Regatta when some hurricane snuck up on us and half-filled our boat in 20 minutes. Lucky we had plenty of beer in the cooler to keep up our spirits!

Dan, I recollect Hurricane Charley (2004) as well. A fond recollection.

We had done the Wye Island Race for a half dozen years. For a couple years my son and I took either first or second in Mens Double Kayak, paddling the 1971 Old Town Sockeye. OK, there were not many Mens double kayaks entered, and the year we took first the other two Mens 2X DNFed due to wind and wave. And at least one big ship boat wake on the outside leg, which we saw roll across the bay and take out one of the other doubles.

My niece and college roommate took first in womens double in the Sockeye, and she & her boyfriend took first in mixed double the next year. The Sockeye might be the Winabago of double kayaks, but it was ideal for those conditions.

We began racing the Bloody Mary, a Clipper Mariner, with a mixed 8 person crew for four years, usually taking first, with one second place finish. That second was in a year where there was actually another 8-man canoe entered. Still 2:17:46 was respectable for 12+ miles while drinking beer.

2004 was a cluster$#%&. The race was nearly cancelled, and should have been. The organizers, against all meteorological advice, opted to shortened the race to a simple out and back, avoiding the portion exposed to the open Chesapeake.

On the way out to the turn there were capsized boats everywhere, including price carbon skis and pricier rowing shells, with swimmers galore. One shapely young lass, draped over her capsized single scull in a skin-tight wet suit, held our attention for quite a while.

The DRN and safety boats had their hands full, hauling swimmers to shore saying Stay here, we will come back for you.

By the time the DNR had caught up with us we were rounding the come-back buoy and I swear they tried to sink us. They came zooming up a full speed, killed the throttle and threw a 4 foot wake at us. When we had finished bobbing around from their plow-stopped wake and resumed paddling our Captain shouted something like Is that the best you got? and we completed the back leg home.

I recollect that a total of 8 boats finished that year. The Clipper Mariner was also a wonderful boat for those conditions.

Thanks Dan. I am smiling at many Wye race memories.

The year we our usual bow paddler could not make it and we coerced Chip to join us, paddling in the lot-of-work bow seat, promising that we would stop for a refreshing muckle up leg stretcher on some sandy beach part way around.

Chip did a great job in the bow, but became increasingly suspicious as we passed sandy beach after sandy beach, telling him No, there a better one up ahead. We never did stop.

We sprinted the last mile, with the encouragement of a race official on the finish line boat, shouting Come on, pour it on! and Keep going, almost there! Best finish time ever. Chip was ready to kill us.

The year we ran it backwards. When we started they began yelling Stop, you are going the wrong way! to no avail. They should have been suspicious about the amount of gear we loaded.

We found a nice sandy beach a couple miles up from the finish line and set out a table, snacks, chairs and a couple of coolers. And three Burma Shave style signs, spaced around the corner, reading:


Several friends stopped by, and we nearly sunk an 8-man shell. Around the corner from the signs one of the rowers looked longing at the coolers and beers we were proffering and missed a stroke. There was a clattering of oars and a near capsize. They did not stop. The cox looked pissed.

Several other folks did stop, and at one point we had a good crowd gathered on the beach, including a gentleman who quite enjoyed himself. He stayed until the last of the racers were well passed, and then slowly paddled back with us.

By the time we dawdled our way back every other racer, car, truck and trailer was gone. Even the race tents were gone, as were all of the race officials except one.

He had stayed to give our new friend his medal for First Place Mens 50+ Solo Canoe. IIRC his finish time was close to 7 hours, and was recorded as such in the next years program.

He was proud of his medal, but prouder of the BEER sign he took home to show the wife when she asked How was the race?
I remember your niece and the Sockeye in the rainy race. I think they were one of two or three boats that made the entire circuit, including that war canoe where every paddler reportedly had his or her own bottle of rum handy. Pushing stuck vehicles in the parking field after the race was fun, yes? How about the canoe that got run over by an 8-man shell? They. Did, Not. Stop.

Our modest claim to fame was to take first place in the category of recreational canoe propelled by double blades, a category that was created by and for us. O pioneers! Of course, the next year there were several copycats who were faster. Much faster. But we still had our cooler to console us. Good times.

Thank god I'm too old and wise to do that anymore. Well, too old,
including that war canoe where every paddler reportedly had his or her own bottle of rum handy.

Reportedly. Four months after the race the owners of the Bloody Mary discovered a half full bottle of Sailor Jerrys stuffed under on the seats. We finished it on a New Years day trip.

How about the canoe that got run over by an 8-man shell? They. Did, Not. Stop.

The bowman in that UL Jensen racing canoe was Alan, a friend from past group campers. The 8-man shell not only did not stop, they did not even acknowledge that they had crushed there stern of the canoe and dumped the paddlers.

aholes. After that I felt less bad about screwing up the stroke rhythm of a big shell with FREE RACE BEER signs.

Our modest claim to fame was to take first place in the category of recreational canoe propelled by double blades, a category that was created by and for us. O pioneers! Of course, the next year there were several copycats who were faster. Much faster. But we still had our cooler to console us. Good times.

After medaling in oddball categories we were challenged in subsequent years. The Charley year there was an 8-person canoe entered that was obviously a practiced race team out to best us. They simply flew ahead in vigorous HUT-HUT-HUT. Until they went over. Bwa-ha-ha-ha-ha.

Thank god I'm too old and wise to do that anymore. Well, too old

I dunno Dan; it might be time to go back and do something stupendously ridiculous that does not involve a lot of effort.

I have thought about doing a Rose Ruiz and cheating as a Wye Island Race trickster finale. There is a narrows across Wye Island between Bigwood Cove and Grapevine Cove.


Bring a portage cart, haul across the narrows to the other side of the island after a scant couple racing miles at the start and finish in the astounding time of an hour and change. I would cherish the eventual disqualification.

I miss-named some of my Bloody Mary companions on our entry form, simply for the joys of the published finish results.

Bloody Mary crew member Patty became Paris, after an inadvertently sloppy handwriting entry form. She remained Paris and aged a decade in each subsequent entry. Paris was in her 70